Lamelia Date

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Amelia's POV
I put on a dirty pig singlet with some of Lola's leggings, she won't miss 1 pair because she has like 100 pairs and she wears them everyday, she says it's her signature look.
I also put on my galaxy vans. I put on some mascara, foundation, lip balm, and a little bit of eyeshadow.
I spray myself with some rose scented perfume.
"Can I use this bag?" I ask picking up one of Lola's bags not looking up.
A males voice replies. "ask lola."
I look up and see Jai lying on her bed on his phone.
"I was asking lola," I reply.
"But Lola's not here," he says back.
"Wassup," I hear Lola's voice come through the bedroom day.
"Lola to the rescue," me and Jai say at the same time.
I stick my middle finger up at him.
"Lola can I use your black bag?" I ask her pointing to a black rucksack.
"Yeah only if you give me a hug," she says.
"Okay," I say giving her a hug.
"Best. Hugger. Ever," she says handing me the bag.
"Excuse me," Jai says pretending to be hurt.
she goes over and whispers something to him which makes him grin.
* ding dong*
"Be safe!" Lola calls.
"And use protection," Jai says, j could see the mischievous smile on his face.
i ignore him and open the door to be greeted by Luke. he was wearing a white tshirt and a pair of jeans.
"Ready?" He asks me.
"Always was," I smile.
"Good girl," he says taking my hand and I shut the door behind me and we go to his car.
Luke runs to my side of the car and opens the door for me.
"In you go princess," he smiles.
"Thank you and don't say princess it reminds me of lola and Jai's PDA," I say laughing.
"Okay fine Babe," he says exaggerating the babe.
"Where are we going?" I ask.
He just taps his nose and says
"You'll find out,"
I turn on the radio and style by Taylor swift came on and we started singing it.
"Wow you are a good singer," luke says surprised.
"Let's sing annoyingly with the windows down and thank you lukey," I reply.
Love me like you do comes on and we put down our windows.
"LOVE ME LIKE YOU DO LIKE YOU DO!" We both yell making people stare at us but we were having fun so we didn't give two hippo shits. I like hippo shits I'm gonna use it more often.
I see the sign for crazy golf!
"You took me to Crazy golf!!" I shout when luke parks the car.
"Biggest one in Aussie," he replies.
We get out and wow it looks massive.
"Thanks lukey," I say giving him a hug.
"We've not even done anything apart from driving," luke says chuckling at me.
I hit his arm playfully and laugh.

We pay and go in.
"Wow I am gonna win!" I whisper to Luke.
"No ur not!" He tells me.
We play for about an hour and Luke comes first.
"What the fuck your so good!" I say.
"Haha," he replies poking my nose.
"Fuck you!" I say about to head back to the car.
"Em the date isn't over yet," he says catching up with me.

He leads me to a pizza restaurant.


"Calm down baby girl," he says laughing.

"Luke Brooks," he says to the waiter.

"Yes, you made a reservation earlier, follow me," the waiter smiles at us.

When we sit down me and Luke start talking.

"Why did you do this?" I ask him.

"Cause I wanted to make this the best date you have been on, and the first of many orginised by me," he says blushing.

"I LOVE it," I say kissing his hands that are on the table.

"Hello, sorry to interupt but what do you want to drink?" the waiter asks.

"Coke," me and Luke say at the same time.

"Two cokes and what pizza?" The waiter asks.

"Margarita," I say.

"A large Margarita and two cokes," Luke says confirming the order.

"Okay is that all?" He asks.

"Yup," me and luke say at the same time.

"oKay enjoy your date," he smiles.

"Thank you," we say.

We chat about random stuff and our pizza gets here.

"Yess our pizza," I say making Luke laugh.

"Hey when a girl likes her food she likes her food," I say defending myself.

We eat and then the karakoke comes on.

"Go sing," luke says.

I go up and put in Mean by Taylor Swift because that was like the only good song on it.

"Someday I'll be living in a big old city and all your every gonna be is mean," I belt out and everyone in the pizza place was up clapping.

"Thank you," I say embarrassed walking over to Luke.

"WOW! you were fucking awesome," Luke says.

*At home*

"You can come in because I bet Jai will probably be here," I say.

We watch some TV and then we go up to my bed.

"Night Lukey," I say kissing him.

"Night Amelia," He says hugging me.

Lola's POV

"Night Jai," I say kissing his head.

"Night Lola," he replies kissing all over my face.

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