Off to LA

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Lola's POV
I put on some black leggings, a white t shirt, and some black janoski's.
I did my makeup lightly. Just some mascara and some light pink lip pen that would apparently stay on for a few hours.
I chucked my black hoodie on before me and Amelia headed of to the taxi that was waiting outside for us.
"So where are we off to today ladies?" The taxi driver asks us.
"The airport" Amelia answers.
"Where are you going on holiday?" He asks.
"We are not going on holiday we are moving to LA" I tell him.
"WOW!" He says starting the car.
We get to the airport quickly as it was 2:30am.
The boys decided to get an early flight so they wouldn't get mobbed by the Aussie fans.
we are taking selfies in the airport waiting for the boys.
"BOOO" someone screams from behind me.
"WHAT THE FUCK?" I turn around to see James standing there laughing.
"You little bitch" I tell him, pushing him as a joke.
"We got that on camera" chelsey tells me, hi-fiving James.
"Shittttt" I say making them laughing.
I look over to see Amelia, beside the toilets, snogging Luke.
"Hey baby" jai says slinging his arm around my shoulders.
"Hey" I reply wrapping my arms around his waist and taking in his scent.
"Why is she smelling you, ew" James jokes.
"Oh come here James" jai says, pulling him into me and Jai's hug.
I escape and meet up with Amelia and the rest of the gang to go to security.
"Oh fuck" I say.
"It's okay I'll be here babe" jai says knowing how fucking scared I get of security.
Everyone gets through fine until it's my turn.
"Why is it always me?" I ask the security woman.
"You aren't wearing any sort of metals so that means it was just a practice.
"It's always a practice for me" I growl.
"Aww my wee Lola's angry" Amelia says.
"Shut uppp" I say.
We got to Boots and pick up some food for the plane.
James keeps snapchatting me, knowing that he's annoying me.
In boots altogether we bought-
Pringles, lolly pops, chocolate, coke ect...
Jai picks up a tub of extra chewing gum just for the two of us.
I take two bits and so does jai.
"What ya two fuckers eating?" Amelia asks us.
"Nothing" I say putting my head into jais chest so she can't smell the chewing gum.
"It's chewing gum" she says shaking her head and going over to Luke and they starts snogging again.
"Ew" Daniel says.
"Flight to LA, please make your way to gate 54" the announcer calls.
We wait until the last call for the flight gets called until we head over.
"Your late" the lady who looks at our flight tickets says.
"Meh" beau whispers to me.
we get on the plane and I sit beside Jai and James, Luke and Amelia sit together, Daniel and Lucy together and lastly beau and chelsey sit together.
The flight starts.
Me jai and James get into a conversation and that's all I can remember before I fell asleep on jai.
We collected out suitcases before it finally hit me that I was in LA with my boyfriend and my best friends in the whole wide world.
Me and Amelia exchanged glances before we shouted

Is this love real??Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt