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I run into the hospital and run to y/n's room

I stop when I enter the room to see her awake

I stop. take a breathe. she looks at me. concerned.

"hi, im Dr. Karev. your doctor" I say and walk closer. she just looks at me

"can you tell me your name" I ask "y/n l/n" she says "thats very good. can you tell me what happened" "the last thing I remember is getting in a taxi. getting off the phone with my sister. putting my phone down then seeing a the back of the truck" she says "alright y/n it seems your brain is good. can you grab this pen" I ask grabbing a pen from the desk. she wraps her hand around it. "ok y/n you had many injuries and you have many doctors but im your main doctor so you'll be seeing me a lot" I laugh she adjust herself in the bed. I sit at the end of her bed "ok so to start off with you have head trauma so dr. shepard repaired that. we weren't sure you were gonna wake up. you then had a hole in your heart so dr. Altman had to repair it." I say folding my hands together. "you then had had a broken ankle. dr. Torres had to go in and repair your ankles bone. and lastly" I look at her. she's looking at me like she comprehends everything. a blank stare on her face. I just look at her not even thinking about it. "dr. Karev?" she ask "oh yea. when you go into the wreck we thought you had internal bleeding. we'll when we checked you were pregnant" "yes I know" "well we tried to wait long enough and tried to postpone taking the babies out till later on for there health since there only 23 weeks old" I tried to continue to talk but she cut me off "babies?" she looked confused "yes y/n babies one boy and one girl. they both are in the NICU as we speak. we had to take them out to save your life and theirs" I say. she's just staring at me blankly. "y/n?" I ask she snaps out of her thoughts "can I see them?" she ask "im very sorry but no. there not stable enough and neither are you" I say sadly. "what if one dies and I never get to meet them. what if they open there eyes and I never get to see them what if something happens to me and they'll be all alone?" she started to cry holding her head in her hands. I get up and get in the hospital bed beside her and hold her close to me "listen. ive been taking very good care of your babies. they are both stable and you are to it'll all be ok" she raises her head and looks at me "I just wanted to start over" "what do you mean" I ask concerned "where were you? did I disrupt something?" she tries to change the subject "no y/n you didnt" I laugh "just dinner. oh speaking of dinner are you hungry? do you need anything?" I ask she smiles at me "a cheeseburger sounds good oooo and red velvet cake" she laughs. I get up and grab my jacket and keys "oh and dr. Karev, thank you" she says "just doing my job" I say and walk out.


I layed in bed staring at the ceiling. my stomach growled. I was starving. my back hurts from this hospital bed.

"I gotta get up" I say to myself. I pull the covers off my legs. I was all bandaged up with a brace on my ankle. I swing my feet over the Side of my bed I places my feet on the floor and grabbed my iv thing. I began walking to the bathroom one foot in front of the other. my feet touching the cold floor. I loose balance and end up knocking a tray down and next thing I know im on the cold floor. I try to get back up. im to weak. I just lay there helpless. I cant reach the nurse button so I just wait... I hear footsteps then keys hit the table and a bag "y/n" I hear "y/n" he says again. he walks over and sees me on the floor "oh y/n how long have you been laying here" he ask picking me up bridal style "10 minutes maybe" I say "I just needed to get up and stretch" I say looking sad he places me back on the bed. he covers my legs back up and places the bag on my lap "cheeseburgers for you" he laughs "no cake" I say sadly. he places a box in my lap "cake m'lady" he smiles "but you cant have it unless you promise me not to get out of bed without someones help" he looks at me "I promise dr. Karev" I mock him. "you were in a coma for 2 days" he says as he pulls the 4 burgers out the bag. "ill be back" he said and walked out

I unwrapped a cheeseburger and took a bite.


I walk into the NICU. I walk over to the babies. they were sleeping "hi sweet girl. your mommas awake" I whisper as I touch her hand. her little hand wraps around my index finger "I wish she could see you and see how beautiful you were" I smiled and then walked over to the babyboy "oh look at you beautiful boy your moms gonna cry the day she finally gets to see you" I talked softly. I checked both of there charts and they seem to be doing good. stronger. I walked out of the NICU and back to y/ns room

I walk in and see that she's eaten half of her burger


Dr. Karev walks back in

"where'd you go" I say with my mouth full "oops" i say realizing that was gross

"I just went to check on the twins" her eyes light up "are they ok?" she ask "yea there doing great" he says

he grabs his jacket and keys "are you gonna be ok by yourself. oh and remember if you need to get up ask for help" he says as he walks out

"your leaving me" I say sadly "yea why" he asks looking back at me "Dr. Karev? can you stay with me?" I ask softly he looks at me "are you sure" he ask "yea I cant finish all this food by myself" I laugh. he places his stuff back down and I criss cross my legs so he can sit at the end of the bed. he sits down and unwraps a burger and begins eating it. we talk about stuff...

"what did you mean when you said that you wanted to start over earlier?" he ask grabbing 2 forks and handing me one. I open the box the cake was in and dug my fork into it "um nothing:" I say before bites "y/n" he says "fine. I grew up in a trailer park ok. I starved we were poor. I walked to school everyday. I have 6 siblings including me. I was the middle child. I slept on the floor and my dad would beat me and my sister Leia. well ive always wanted to be a doctor. when I got old enough to drive I got a job immediately and saved up for medical school. I then went to medical school where I met a boy named Blake. he was my first boyfriend and I thought I loved him. he knocked me up and when I told him he left me. I then graduated medical school a month ago and moved to seattle to hope to start a new life, my sister Leia didnt want me to leave but I told her I needed to get away and start over. I came to seattle hoping to find a hospital I can start my career at. my mom didnt beg me to stay because she was grieving over my dads death. he killed himself. so I just left. and obviously im not supposed to be here because as soon as I got here I got into a car accident." I say. a tear falling down my face as I take another bite of cake

he just stares at me "Dr. Karev?" I ask. "im so sorry y/n" he says looking at me "eh what can you do right? im starting a new life. me and my 2 babies nothing else" I smile "hey y/n" he ask "yea?" "call me Alex" he smiles. he checked his phone. "its late you should get some rest" he says "excuse me you arent my dad" I snapped he moved the cake box and burger bag off the hospital bed "im your doctor though" he laughed laying my bed down a little adjusting my pillow and covering me up "goodnight y/n" he says sitting in the chair beside the bed "goodnight Alex" I smiled to myself and fell fast asleep.


I hope you guys are liking my story so far I have many ideas for this story and im very excited to share them with you all

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