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This chapter is a bit long because its a important chapter I hope everyones enjoying it so far! in this chapter you get to find out the baby names! And if you dont you could always change them to whatever you want as you read! I hope you enjoy this chapter. thanks for all the love and read it makes me really happy and want to write more! hope you enjoy!<3


*4 weeks later*

I fix Alex collar as he tucks his shirt in his pants. he puts his shoes on

"how do I look" he smiles at himself in the mirror "you look great Alex" I smile "thank you for helping me get ready y/n" he smiles. he grabs all of his things "have fun on your date Alex"  "bye y/n" he says as he walks out. I wobble back to my hospital bed with my boot on my broken foot and sit down. 

lexie and Jackson walk in with coffee in there hands "on call tonight guys" I laugh "just think this will be you sooner than you think. coffee will be in your blood" Jackson laughs.

"not soon enough" I groan trying to get comfortable in my bed "do you know where your gonna go after here?" lexie asks "I guess a hotel I dont have anywhere else to go" I sigh

"what about Merediths house" Jackson says eyeballing lexie while taking a sip of coffee "no guys its fine I feel like im a burden on you guys anyways" "shut up y/n your our friend" lexie says "we'll talk to Meredith and let you know" Jackson says "no guys seriously its ok" I repeat "are you sure" Jackson ask "yes" I say they began to walk out "were still asking her" lexie laughs and walks out


Alex walks into my room I sit up in my bed "so how was your date tell me all the juicy details im not getting much action In this bed." I laugh. her puts his jacket on the chair "eh it was ok. it was a date" he says boringly "just a ehh date?" I give him a questionable look "it was good y/n" he laughs "whatcha wanna do now" I ask "movie?" he ask as he scoots me over

*the next morning*

"good morning sunshine" Meredith laughs walking in with her hands in her pockets I jump a little "good morning to you to mere" I groan. "when are you getting discharged" "im not sure" "whats your plan after your out of here" "go to a hotel, settle in and then start an internship here" I say "your coming to my house not a hotel" she smiles "but-" she headed for the Door "no buts" with that she walked out.

Later Alex came in. Pulling the covers off my bed "get you Butt out the bed!" He shouts laughing "no" I groan rolling over "get up" "listen I have nothing Better to do in the boring room than to sleep" I groan grabbing the covers and pulling them over my head. Alex comes over to me and rips the covers off "trust me you'll wanna get up" he says sternly putting his hands on his hips I get up. "now what" I ask . he walks out. "ok cool thats great im going back to bed now" I yell he comes in with a wheel chair "no your not" he says and tells me to sit in the wheel chair he then wheels me out of the room

"Alex for the third time where are we going" I laugh "and for the third time you'll have to wait and see" he laughs hitting the elevator button and then entering the elevator and pressing the button to the floor. we exit the elevator and go through 2 double doors

I gasp "Alex..." I look back at him "yes?" he smiles

I see a rocking chair sitting in the middle of the room....the NICU

he rolls me in the room and i see Jackson holding a baby he turns and looks at me and smiles holding the swaddled baby in a pink blanket

Alex helped me into the rocking chair

Jackson walks over to me "I have someone very special that wants to meet you" he smiles at me I look at him almost going to cry he hands me the baby. I hold my baby for the first time "hello" I say softly her eyes look at me. her hands wrap around my finger. I look at her little feet and kiss her little nose. I smile at Jackson and then look at Alex who is also holding a swaddled baby in a blue blanket now he places him in my other arm. I look at her then him. I kiss his head and enjoy my time holding them for the first time. "thank you Alex" I smile at him "your welcome y/n im glad I got to see this" Alex smiles at me. I look at Jackson "and thank you for being a good friend. I never thought id meet such amazing people and find amazing friends" I say a tear falling from my eye. I look from Jackson to Alex. then look at my babies tears filled my eyes

"they look like you" Jackson says "I guess they do dont they" I laugh looking at him

I sat there for who knows how long. however long it was. it wasnt long enough.

Alex and Jackson both left so it was just me. Alex had surgery and Jackson was paged to who knows where.

I look at my precious babygirl "hello Everleigh" I smile

I look at my handsome babyboy "hello sweet Ryker" I smile and kiss both there heads

I look up to see Alex in the doorway "sorry I didnt mean to disturb you" he says he grabs a seat and. sits beside me "ca I hold her" "of course you can Alex" I smile at him and place her in his arms he looks at the baby then at me "have you picked out names?" he ask looking at her "actually yes her name is everliegh" as soon as those words leave my mouth he looks at me "thats beautiful" he says "and this is Ryker" I look down at the baby I was holding I kissed the top of his head. in the corner of my eye I see Alex looking at the baby then at me, he kissed everleighs cheek. she cooed at him "seriously thank you Alex your my best friend I dont know how I could do any of this without you" I smile at him he grabs my hand and squeezes it. "and your my best friend y/n" he smiles at me. he looks me in the eyes. he then looks back down at the baby

I brushed it off I was in the middle of feeding my baby when dr shepard and dr. Bailey walks in "hey y/n. hey Karev" he smiles at me and Alex who is feeding Everleigh right next to me as im feeding Ryker "hey Derek" I smile at him "I have some news" Derek says "oh no is it bad news am I dieing?" I say worried "no y/n we came baring good news!" she says enthusiastically "well tell us already" Alex laughed

"y/n you get to go home" Dereks words escaped his mouth. my mouth immediately dropped "dont drop that baby" dr Bailey said I laugh "seriously thats amazing!" Alex said. I was speechless. "are you ok y/n?" Alex looked at me concerned "yea im just speechless" I laugh "Alex I need to speak with you" Derek says walking out

I finish feeding my babies

I was interrupted by mark walking in "hey y/n" he smiles "how did you know I was.." "Alex told me where I could possibly find you" he laughs and pulls up a chair beside me "can I see him" he looks at me "of course mark" I hand him Ryker. "does he have a name" he looks at the baby then me "actually yes. his name is Ryker" I smile at him "its beautiful" he smiles "and her name is Everleigh" I smile looking at her. I look up and see lexie in the door "iv been looking for you mark-" she stopped talking and looked at me. then mark "oh my" she smiles "do you wanna hold her" I ask politely. she just smiles and nods happily. she sits beside mark and I hand her to her "this is Ryker and Everleigh" mark says looking at her. I look at the both of them there just looking at eachother and then the babies. lexie looks at me "does anyone else know the names?" she ask. I nod my head "your the 2nd people..." I say "the first was Alex im calling it" mark laughed I looked at him and smiled "yes it was Alex" I laugh a little "well I feel honored even if we were 2nd" mark laughed "when do you get to go home" lexie asks laughing at marks comment "actually yea tomorrow morning" I say happily "thats good that means you get to start here" "one thing at a time lexie" mark says

we talk for a bit longer till I decide I should get some sleep...I place my babies back in there beds after kissing there heads goodnight.

"you ready to go back to your room" Jackson ask walking in. I nod I sit in the wheel chair as im wheeled back to my room. crawl into the hospital bed for last time. hopefully.... Jackson covers me up and leaves.

I end up falling asleep


comment who you want to see y/n interact with more. give me ideas and suggestions! much love <3

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