The Butterfly Effect

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West Mitchell Collins

It's been fucking six months, I already tried everything so I can forget about her but no matter what I do or where I look at? I can still recall her beautiful smile, her laughter and her innocent eyes. Those memories that we had together were still stuck in my head, playing like a fucking movie and I can't forget the fact that North likes her too...

He knew where to find her but I never dared to ask, I just kept on pretending that I didn't hear anything from him but it's almost impossible to calm myself down. I'm becoming more destructive, more reckless and more impulsive, I'm starting to lose myself because of her...

I couldn't come forward and tell North that I liked her too, why? Because I knew he'll never give up as well. We're blood related, we've been together ever since so I don't want to fight him. I'm certain that it's the same for him but love itself can destroy people's relationships, no matter how close you are to one another.

I want to forget about that day and Cecelia but the more that I kept on trying? The more that it's getting harder and harder until I couldn't do it anymore. My own feelings is consuming the whole me, I can't control it. I can't forget about her and up until now? My heart is longing for her smiles.

Seeing her again can do two possible things, one is that'll make me miss her more and do something stupid like kidnap her or two is still try to make her mine but in a different way. I want to show her that I'm sincere but how the fuck will I do that?

She doesn't even know my name, I didn't know why I introduced myself when I had the chance just like North and Eros but fortunately? Eros managed to get her number. I had her phone number, some informations about her and her photograph but these things are not enough. I want her by my side.

But I can't possibly do that against her will.

Me being a monster to her is not something I can do, I'll certainly hate myself for that one. My facial expression is like the Morse code that you need to figure it out, it's hard to read if you don't know how it works or how to read it.

That's the reason why they always call me 'Biyernes Santo'.

They felt like I was always problematic about everything in my everyday life but they didn't know that I was doing fine, I just can't managed my facial expression. I find it hard to express my feelings through my face so even if I'm mad, I would just pretend to be okay...

It's Wednesday in the afternoon and we're here at Cielo's quarters today, Thor and I just received a mission from Vice Commander Nara. This is a little complicated so he and I have to work together but North is not included, it's just me and Thorin alone.

"A prisoner from Australia? What the hell is he doing here in the Philippines?". I asked with my confused expression.

"He's not originally from Australia either, he's a Portuguese from Portugal but he flew to Australia to deliver something important that belongs to our organisation". Vice Commander replied.

"But unfortunately he got caught before he even got a chance to get away, none of them knew how he managed to escaped from the guards and camera or how he got in the plane to come here but you and Code XXV must retrieve it at once". Vice Commander replied.

Finding my way back (KOV #4) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon