The Monster Whom She Loved Dearly

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West Mitchell Collins

After doing what we had to do, we decided to part ways and bid our farewell to each other so we can all go home to our loved ones and rest because it's already late. We had done our part as Polaris' friend but we realized that punishing those syndicates is not something that we should do. That's Ahmed's responsibility as the Captain of Team 1.

Since Sage suggested that we should leave this matter to Captain Ahmed, everyone except for Elisa and Xam immediately agreed to her idea but in the end, they didn't do whatever they were plotting againts those assholes who tried to kill Polaris.

It's not like it will heal Polaris' wounds right away just because they beat those jerks to their deaths, it won't change anything and they knew that for a fact. Letting their anger won would only caused a lot more damages, and it might affect someone else's life so they better behave themselves.

Besides, Polaris is Captain Ahmed's Assistant Captain. Only him has the rights to take action regarding this matter, he's the only one who can decide what to do with those syndicates who tried to escaped and even harmed one of us. The members of the remaining teams are only allowed to watch and stay still, we can't interfere with Captain Ahmed's decisions.

"Dude, uuwi na ako. Kayo na ang bahala diyan". Jared said.

"I'm going back home as well, take care". I replied to him.

"Tangina, bigla akong kinilig. Bakit may pag-take care pa?". He's mocking me just because I told him to take care of himself.

If he doesn't wanna do that then I'm not accountable if something magically happens to him just like what happened to Polaris today. I already reminded him to be careful, and he should take care of himself.

"Fuck you, then don't take care of yourself". I answered.

He laughed at me. "Gago, hindi mabiro amputcha. Diyan na nga kayong dalawa, mag-ingat din kayo". He reminded us then he raised his middle finger while waving it over and over again. He was already walking away, all I could do is watch him.

Captain Light, Nikka, Abigail, Sage, Elisa, Xam and the rest of the Sector 1 members remained inside the underground base of Cielo Agency because they have something else to do.

But Trinity, Primo, Dawn, North, Jared and I are going back to our own places now. Whatever happened today, I just hoped that it won't happen to anyone else again. I don't want them to be in danger, I feel awful whenever I'm seeing someone I know lying down on a hospital bed.

I'm damn exhausted...

"West? Patulog muna sa condo mo". North uttered.

"What is it this time?". I asked him.

"Huwag ka nang mag-tanong, basta doon ako matutulog ngayon. Puro ka tanong eh, tinanong ba kita kung bakit tomorrow is your zipper?". He replied to me. It took me a few minutes before I realized what he said, I immediately checked my pants and I definitely look like a fool because he's just kidding me.

"You're not sleeping on the room". I uttered in a serious tone.

He walked towards my direction then he placed his arm on my shoulder. "Dude, you're so gullible. Luckily, not when it comes to women or you'll be crying your eyes out all the time". He said then he pinched my right cheek.

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