Unfinished Love Story

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West Mitchell Collins

After a few minutes, North and I arrived at the same time. We just took the shortcuts so it would be faster for us and besides, we had to hurry because Reidly texted me earlier. He said that he and Psyche are in our mansion along with Chandler and Carleigh, those two just got back from New York. They're here to stay for quite some time.

Chandler and Carleigh are twins just like North and I, they live in New York but their whole family used to live in the Philippines a few years back then their parents had finally decided to go back to New York for good.

These two are almost the same age as Reidly, but Reidly is still older than any of us. I bet Carleigh and Chandler will stay here for a few months again, just like what they did before but it's quite surprising that they came here to visit us.

I immediately went out of my vehicle after turning the engine off, then North did the same thing. We walked towards the entrance of our mansion but I was the one who opened the door because I knew that he won't do it, he's texting someone and base on his reaction, it must be from a woman. Again.

Whoever might that be, I must say that she's a very unlucky woman because my brother is a Casanova and a jerk for as long as my mind can recall. He never took any girl seriously, he'll just play around then dumped her afterwards.

Although he never touched a girl nor forced a girl to have any sexual interactions with him, I would immediately know if he already did it with someone and that's something I can be proud of as his younger twin.

"West? Nakita mo na ba 'to?". He uttered while we're on our way to the kitchen. He was just walking right behind me, he immediately took a few big steps to catch up on me then he handed me his phone.

I saw a picture of Cece with his so-called new found friend. They looked so happy together, I can no longer stare at it any longer and I can't help but feel irritated so I immediately gave his phone back because I might threw it away. Luckily, I'm still in my right state of mind.

"Why the hell did you show me that photo?". I asked in a dead tone to him.

He laughed. "Wala lang, gusto lang kitang asarin". North explained then he happily walked away like he didn't do anything to pissed me off.

I'm already exhausted and my body feels beaten to death then here he is, showing me a fucking photo to make me jealous!!

"Dalian mo na diyan, babalik pa tayo sa ospital". He reminded me. I badly want to throw a punch on his face but I stopped myself from doing so.

When he and I arrived at the kitchen, we saw that everyone was having fun while eating and laughing with each other. I'm not in the mood to join them so I pretended that I didn't see any of them at all, I'd rather keep the anger to myself than took it out on someone innocent.

"West? Are you alright? We're here!". Psyche uttered.

"Badtrip 'yan, huwag na kayong mag-tanong kung bakit kase ako ang may kasalanan". My older twin brother replied to her.

"What the hell did you do this time?". Psyche asked him.

"Ipinakita ko lang naman 'yung litrato ni Cecelia eh, kaso may kasama siya doon". He answered to Psyche's question. Fuck you, North! Why do you keep on reminding me about that awful picture of Cece and that asshole?!!

Finding my way back (KOV #4) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon