Chapter 7: The Hunter and his prey.

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Laura's apartment.

It was around 10 am when Laura heard the sound of an incoming message. She hadn't received anything but spam in a long time so she didn't get used to thinking otherwise. A faint thought nested around her head, that maybe it was Adam writing back, but she quickly dismissed it. This time it was just an advertisement. She put the phone back on the nightstand with great disappointment. What was she imaging? That he will suddenly care about her? Hacker girl thought, wrapping herself in a bathrobe and turned on the radio on her way to the kitchen.

Oh how I wish

For soothing rain

All I wish is to dream again

My loving heart

Lost in the dark

For hope I'd give my everything

She felt terrible overwhelming fatigue, which was not caused by illness, but something worse than fever and cold. Something that burned her from the inside. Something she could not reject or simply let go of. At the company she was occupied with work, listening to Frank mumbling or fighting with Jensen, and could not think too much. Now everything fell on her suddenly, and she was standing alone against fears.

Laura could still evoke the memory of Adam's touch on her hand as he handed over the bags. Why is she thinking about this so much? She only needs him for her own purposes to use and abandon like an unwanted toy. It's as simple as that. She had practiced similar methods so many times, so another one is just routine. And yet something had changed, something was limiting her. In the mirror, she saw that hated reflection again. Green eyes filled with sadness, pointing to the guilt, reminding about sins. It didn't want to disappear, so she helped it with one swift punch of her fist.

"Fuck!" The auburn-haired girl screamed furiously as she watched at the blood dripping down from her fingers into the snow-white sink.

She pulled a first aid kit from the cabinet and carelessly bandaged her hand. Now at least she could see the real her, the broken, lonely and desperate one.


Sarif Industries. Head of Security – Adam Jensen's office.

Adam couldn't concentrate today. He nonetheless had to solve unimportant matters which should be dealt with by his subordinates. There was always someone who wanted something. Head of Security simply had enough, so he called the people responsible for the current state of matters on the carpet. Faridah entered the office at the time when they were standing in a line, waiting for being scold.

"If I have to do your duties one more time, I swear heads will fall!" he shouted at them.

It was unusual behavior, even weird. Jensen always dealt with problems using common sense, he raised his voice sometimes, but this fury was odd.

"I'll come by later." she informed and U-turned.

"But stay and see who I have to work with." he replied with anger in his voice, then picked up several files from his desk.

"No, no. It's not my concern." she stated and left.

Malik was waiting outside, leaning against the balcony railing, and observing the lobby. Even from that place, she heard almost every word.

"More than half of these documents are trivial matters! For example, this: 'Quarrel in the ladies restroom.' or 'A rowdy customer.' Oh, here's the best one: 'Purity First wrote on the helipad a message for David Sarif: 'Stick those augs into your ass.' And a threat that they are going to burn down that company of his." Adam closed the file and slammed it against the desktop." Goddamn it, what the hell are they paying you for?! How could they even get on our helipad?!"

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