Chapter 58: The Death and Rebirth.

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Sarif Industries
Subsection six of the laboratories.
Ten minutes past two in the morning.

"Namir, we got what we came for so we can go back," Yelena's voice came over the Infolink.
"You didn't leave any traces?" he asked, finishing off a Sarif Industries employee on the way.
"Everything's clean. The Whalers did a great job."
"Where did they even come from?" interjected a puzzled Barrett.
"I have no idea, but there are others for thinking. We had a task, we did it so we're off."
"What about Sarif's dog and that girl? All in all, I feel a bit sorry for her, she was pretty," Lawrence stated.
"They'll find their bodies or they won't. And you better focus on what's important," Namir rebuked him.
"Pretty arses are important, don't say you don't like to fu..." Barrett interrupted. "Well, yes, I forgot that you don't have the equipment," he pointed out.
"You instead just do boom, boom, ciao," interjected Yelena.

Namir wanted to knock him down, but as the boss, he had to keep his nerves in check. Before leaving he shot Laura in the belly.


Connor stopped and turned around. He heard no footsteps, only the hiss of broken cables and sizzling flames. He looked around some more and waited a moment, hidden in one of the offices. He wanted to be sure that no one was chasing him any more. In the meantime, he got rid of his Belltower uniform, the wearing of which filled him with disgust. He came out of hiding after a few minutes, then returned to the place where he had left Laura. There he found a fire, the fumes of a choking gas that had yet to subside, and a hole in the wall. He was afraid to look at what was on the other side but had no choice. He covered his mouth with his jacket sleeve and cautiously walked closer. What he saw he did not expect even in his most ghastly imaginings. Laura and Adam were lying unconscious on the ground. The man had a hole in his temple, and glass bristled with sharp spikes covered his entire body. The woman's head was leaning against his torso. Blood was everywhere. Connor took his phone out of his pants pocket and typed a message.

"I have failed. The subject is dead.
"Are you sure...?"
After a few seconds of silence, another message came in.
"Code 9136 - Begin Operation Death and Rebirth."
The man bypassed the systems lockout and sent a looped S.O.S call to Pritchard.
"I didn't like you, Adam. But I hope someone finds you."


Sarif Industries.
David Sarif's office.
Fifteen minutes past two in the morning.

Frank picked up the call for help and immediately ran to Sarif's office. He was never in the habit of rushing, but the situation was exceptional. The elevator was far too slow but it was better than running up the stairs.

"Boss!" he shouted, barely opening the glass door. "Someone survived. I got an S.O.S. signal. It came from the labs."
"There's nothing we can do," Sarif replied in a rough voice. "No one from the outside can know, and we don't have the right equipment."
"But after all, that's where Adam is," he pressed.

The fact that he hated the Security Chief did not mean that he wished him death. He hoped that Jensen and Megan were alive.

"What about Megan and her research?" he tried to use another argument.
"Frank, tell me why do you care so much about the police coming here? After all, it was you who triggered the alarm. You said it was just a drill, and then we were attacked," Sarif's tone was measured. It was hard to hear in it what he really felt.
"Boss, you don't think I could do something like that, do you?" asked outraged Pritchard.
"I have to consider every possibility, and you temporarily have no explanation," he replied, looking toward the glass wall behind which the outlines of the skyscrapers were visible.
"I don't have one, and I won't have one. However, if it is as you think, would I be standing here now? Would I come running with the desire to save anyone? Yes, I could try to divert attention from myself with this, but the investigation would still point to me as the guilty one. If it were me, I would be sitting on some exotic island at the time of the attack. Meanwhile, I myself demand to call for help and save everything we can," Frank explained while catching a few short breaths. His nervousness was perfectly reflected in his words.
David rubbed his temple. "You're right, Pritchard, and I believe you. I've known you too long to find you guilty. But this is me. The police will say otherwise. People in the company will talk about it."
"I don't care," he growled firmly. "I can be a pain in the ass, but I have my moral backbone."

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