Chapter 40: The Great Ball Part I

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Laura's apartment.

After everything that had happened in the last few hours, Laura decided that going to the ball would be the last thing she wanted. Adam's reaction was something she had been expecting, and at the same time, it made her feel sad. She had obviously made him feel offended and inferior, unfortunately, that was the reality. Joe, though being an aug, was no match for Damien. Apparently, no one possessed such power. Stalker meowed loudly demanding food, even though he had just eaten a bowl of his fave Super Cat. Laura had no choice but to feed him or he wouldn't stop oppressing her. She thought she would go to the store to get supplies for tomorrow. Since she was going to sit at home, she needed a big bucket of strawberry ice cream and at least a bottle of whisky. She got dressed and quickly left the house hoping not to bump into Adam.

Several minutes later she was standing outside the store peering through the glass into the interior. Judging that it was safe, she went inside. The hacker stopped at getting one bottle of whisky, but she took some menstrual pads because she noticed the lack of supplies. With everything, she went to the checkout, glad that she did not meet Adam. She watched as the cashier scanned each item and when he finished she moved her phone close to the reader and entered her PIN.

"Transaction declined. No funds in the account" muttered a young man in an orange t-shirt with the store's logo on it.

"I'll pay with..." she began with embarrassment, looking for her wallet.

"Please add this to the bill," said a familiar male voice just behind her.

"Do you have a loyalty card? These menstrual pads are on promotion," he asked in a dispassionate tone, which was answered by a negative shake of Adam's head.

Before Laura had time to react she heard that familiar signal of an approved transaction, and just before she did notice Jensen's hand bringing the card closer to the reader. It was bandaged.

"Pack together?" the cashier asked.


The hacker picked up the shopping bag and carried it in her arms trying to cover her face. She felt like yelling at the cashier for having to announce what she had bought. What would Adam think now? As soon as she closed the store door behind her, she looked around to see if the Security Chief was waiting for her. Fortunately, he was already far across the street. The freezing rain started to fall, so she quickened her pace.

Not even the cat was waiting for her at home. Stalker was sleeping on the sofa in the living room and didn't even move when she returned. Laura put the ice cream in the freezer and the chocolate and whisky in the cupboard. The sight of those damn menstrual pads made her mouth twist into a grimace of displeasure. "I think I will start ordering them online. It would be safer that way," Laura thought while browsing the internet and social media until evening and then went to bed.


Morning burst into her consciousness taking the shape of a several-pound furry lump that dragged and meowed ostentatiously. It immediately walked across her belly and sat on her face.

"Stalker, dammit!" she yelled furiously, shooing the cat away as it hurriedly jumped off the bed onto the floor.

Laura rubbed her sleepy eyes and yawned. She did not want this day to come, but unfortunately, she could not prevent it. She sat up wondering why Sarif's behavior hurt her so much. After all, she was leaving Detroit forever anyway. What difference does it make if they write in her papers what she accomplished and what she screwed up? She always managed to get by somehow. Maybe she'd rent a house in Uppsala and find work in a restaurant, and then see what will happen next. Laura had some money safely hidden for hard times which she could use now, but if her plan didn't work out then she would have a serious problem. Her deliberations were answered by a burp in her stomach, so she went to the kitchen to feed the cat and herself. Yes, exactly in that order. In the few years, she had spent with Stalker she had learned he was the most important person in the whole house. At first, she felt like having an unusual start to the day in the form of ice cream, but in the end, she chose Crunchy Pirates cereal. She used to buy Magic Gnome, but they didn't taste as good and were less crunchy. She left the kitchen holding the bowl in her hand, wearing too-big sweatpants, an equally too big t-shirt, and thick woolen socks. She stood by the terrace window rubbing her right foot against her left calf with a spoon in her mouth and tousled hair. With impassive eyes, she watched the cars passing by and the city waking up. Her gaze reflexively focused on Adam's apartment, where the windows blinds were just raising. It seemed to her that he was also eating cereals, and he certainly wasn't wearing a shirt. The woman sighed, letting the air out loudly through her nose and closing her eyes. When she opened them, Adam was looking in her direction so she stepped away from the window and pulled back the curtains. Gloomy darkness filled the living room spilling around her like a boundless, icy ocean of sadness. In a few hours, Jensen would be dancing with Megan. Then there will be a speech about the company's accomplishments, and her name will be crossed out. Everyone will forget, just as she planned. But why does it have to hurt so much? Because she doesn't want it - she tried to keep that answer out of her voice. Until noon she walked from corner to corner sometimes tripping over Stalker who tried to chase her legs. Later she sat down in the living room on the sofa in front of the TV set, stylized as an old one, with a bucket of strawberry ice cream, which she did not like at all. She immediately changed the channel because she did not want to listen to Eliza's report of the grand ball at Sarif Industries. A random click made her see a couple of lions copulating on the screen which was better anyway. Around three in the afternoon, she decided she was hungry, so she ordered a pizza. It wasn't until she placed the order that she realized she didn't have any money after all, so she started searching the apartment. Fortunately, she had enough money in her pants pocket. From her window, she saw Adam getting ready to leave while talking on the phone. He was laughing, so it had to be her. The feeling of sadness was growing, but she was the one who pushed him away and wouldn't let him come back.

Deus Ex Human Revolution: Shadow's Showdownजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें