Chapter 47: The Invincible.

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At a quarter past five, the doorbell rang and Faridah entered Laura's flat holding balloons and a bottle of champagne in her hand, followed closely by Connor scattering confetti. The hacker understood why Faridah had told her not to clean up. Different coloured bits of foil were now sparkling on the hallway carpet.

"Happy New Year!" they shouted from the threshold but fell silent when they entered the living room and found Adam there.

It came to the Head of Security, in this very brutal way, that through all this events they had missed the New Year, which he wanted to spend with Laura under very different circumstances.

Malik put the bottle down on the coffee table and smiled broadly at Connor extending her hand.

"I won!" she announced rejoicing like a child.

The hacker looked at her displeased and handed her a note. Clearly, he had underestimated the ex-SWAT.

Jensen and Laura exchanged gazes, not really knowing what was going on.

"I bet Connor that you wouldn't be alone, and I was right. Bravo, my dear, you have won the heart of our Head of Security. From now on all the chicks in the company will be crying because none of them will have him anymore."

"Malik, don't talk like I'm not here. Laura didn't... me at all."

The hacker picked up on the joke and sat down next to the ex-SWAT "Don't say you doubted my abilities! The moment I saw him for the first time I promised myself that this stud would be my, my own, my precioussss" she said hooking her fingers into Adam's chest like a cat. However, she was still careful not to cause him pain.

The Head of Security looked at Connor but he only shrugged his shoulders. He didn't particularly like being treated like some object of sexual desire. Connor walked towards the window and fetched an armchair, then went back for another.

"What would you like to drink?" asked Laura after a while.

"Green tea for me," Malik asked.

"I'd love a mug of coffee," Connor said.

"I'll have a mug of coffee too," Adam joined in.

Laura disappeared into the kitchen. Somewhere in the back of her head, she felt the weight of the upcoming conversation building up, so she tried to postpone the moment. A few minutes later she returned carrying a tray which she placed on the coffee table. She served everyone a drink, putting a plate of kanelbulle in the middle, plates and champagne glasses next to it. She sat down on the sofa near the left armrest. Jensen, after much persuasion, leaned against her, putting a cushion under his back and straightening his leg.

"How did they even get you guys arrested?" Faridah asked while taking a sip of tea.

There was a long silence. The hacker was nervously turning the cup in her hands, and Adam didn't know what he could say so he kept silent along with her.

"It was Kratos doing. He sent Hades after me and some minions. They were going to kidnap me. What he didn't foresee was that Joe would show up there and kill Hades. That they would both... Each other..." she began to tremble nervously, and after a moment she broke down crying.

"Holy fucking shit," she cursed in her mind.

The Security Chief carefully took the mug from her hand and set it down on the table, then embraced the woman.

Connor twitched upon hearing about Joe as if the name was familiar to him, but thankfully no one noticed. All attention was focused on Laura.

"If Adam hadn't showed up, they would have taken me to Kratos. He's desperate, more than ever. His obsession to have me must have reached its apogee now, cause he has sent an aug."

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