Chapter 34: The Christmas Wish.

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Detroit. Rupert's house.

When the subway stopped at the next station, Laura looked up at the electronic display that informed her she wasn't even half of the way. She prayed for a miracle in the form of the subway breaking down before she reached her destination, but alas, that did not happen. She was horrified by the crowd gathered outside but luckily most were going in a different direction than west Detroit so only a few people got on the wagon. None of the new passengers had the idea to go to the very end so there was still no one. A baby was crying hysterically somewhere on the other side which made it difficult for Laura to read so she turned up the music.

After more than half an hour of riding, three short bell-like sounds signaled that she had reached her destination. The hacker stood up from her seat and, keeping her hands in her jacket pockets, stepped out of the subway wagon. She crossed the platform, nimbly avoiding the thickening crowd, and climbed the stairs. She found herself on a long street with rows of red brick houses with white windows and box gabled roofs on either side.

Laura stopped on the sidewalk, unplugged her headphones from the phone, and looked at the screen. The number 101 shouldn't be far away, she thought.

She dreaded the moment when she met Rupert. Laura had put him in an awkward position, and she felt bad about it. On the other hand, she couldn't deny she needed to be with someone today, and lately, the hacker had pushed everyone away from her. She was already a few steps away from his house, so she slowed down. Every new situation made her panic and she needed a moment to calm her nerves. As a complete outsider, she felt most comfortable around faces she knew, and she usually took Joe with her on trips into the unknown. Laura would make up some story, and he would pretend to believe it. Now she was alone.

Three steps, two, one. The hacker had been walking a good while on the small, square, covered porch when suddenly the door opened even though she hadn't pressed the bell at all.

"Miss Laura please don't stand outside, you'll catch cold," she heard a female voice that remained cheerful even as it instructed her.

"Sorry, I was just about to press the bell," she replied embarrassed by the whole situation.

Mrs. MacKenzie was a rather corpulent woman, the hacker estimated, close in age to Rupert.

The landlady tilted her head looking at her guest.

"Please forgive me. I have admired your beautiful hair. I always wanted mine to curl and have that fiery color," she explained.

"And I always wanted it straight because I couldn't tame them," she laughed. "Rupert is already waiting. I'm glad you came to see us, miss. I baked cookies. You can't refuse," she said in a sing-song voice, leading her through the narrow, long hallway along which the doors to the rooms were located. Laura admired the portraits of ancestors, clan crests, and deer antlers hanging on the stone walls.

"Here is your room," Demelza announced as she opened one of the doors. "It's not very elegant for the times, but my husband and I can't get used to that new odd furniture," she shrugged her shoulders.

"It's gorgeous and very cozy. This furniture has a soul. It's not bland. I have an antique clock at my place. Each scratch on the wood is a separate story."

"I like you already, darling," the woman gave her a broad smile, immediately becoming serious. "I'm sorry, I fraternized too much."

"Not at all," Laura instantly denied. "That's very nice," she admitted.

"In that case, my name is Demelza. Just Demelza. Unpack your things, get some rest, and then go see Rupert, he couldn't wait. He's in his office, down the hall there."

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