Chapter 20: The Simplest Solutions.

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Sweden - Gamla Uppsala.

Adam was kneeling by the unconscious Laura in a vain attempt to make her wake up.

"Call an ambulance!" he ordered Faridah without a second thought, and taking a handkerchief from his coat pocket, he wiped the blood with it.

Malik nervously tried to type in the number, and when she succeeded, Miss Werner, who had just regained consciousness, stopped her.

"No need, I feel better now," she protested, trying to stand up.

"You need the medical attention," Jensen said in a stern tone and took her in his arms not caring about what she wanted.

"It's really nothing," she insisted. "Besides, I can walk by myself."

"Out of the question!" the Head of Security growled. "We're going back to Detroit as soon as possible."

She didn't like that tone, she didn't like him screaming. It was too well ingrained in her psyche and always caused fear. Adam obviously felt that he had scared her, but he couldn't understand why. What had happened in Laura's life that was now influencing her behavior so strongly? If he knew who her ex is, he could look for something in the police database. Faridah was silent in helplessness, but also did not support Laura's decision. A quarter of an hour later they were home, and the girl didn't even protest when Jensen put her in his bed. It wouldn't do any good anyway.

"I'll go change and brew some tea," Faridah said, giving herself an excuse to leave.

"Get some rest before you start packing your things," he muttered to Laura, reaching for his bag. "We will not fly to D.C."

Laura couldn't lie still when he said that. She was unable to accept the fact that he might be fired because of her. She momentarily rolled off the bed as if burned by his words.

"Out of the question," she hissed. "I ruined this trip, and I won't let Sarif fire you because of me!" she said stressing every word. "Do you understand? I won't allow it!"

Adam's hand clenched tightly on the bag he held in it, and when he loosened the grip the piece of cloth fell to the ground. He wanted to yell at her, tell her how stupid and reckless she was, but he couldn't get a word out. He leaned against the dresser on his outstretched arms and looked out the window. These few words, spoken with such firmness were too much. He couldn't allow such a sacrifice, but he clearly didn't have much to say, which worried him.

Laura wasn't feeling well, her head was spinning again but she managed to get the situation under control before Jensen turned around. She was determined and would do anything to execute the plan.

"Why are you doing this?" he asked completely calmly, looking intently at the girl.

"Doing what?" she asked surprised, frowning.

"You're not feeling well, and yet you want to fly to Washington."

The girl sighed and shook her head. "You still don't understand, do you? That's what friends do - they help each other."

The Chief of Security heard too much, felt overwhelmed by her declaration. Laura managed to break through his solid wall, behind which he was stubbornly hiding all the time. He was seized with fear of where this was all going. At the same time, he wanted to see the light, to let go of what the future would bring, without constantly defending himself against it. He was simply tired of that endless, pointless fight.

"Thank you," was all he could say at the moment.

"Tea is ready," Faridah interrupted them, peeking into the room.

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