Chapter 21: The Warning.

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Detroit. Adam's apartment.

Laura could not remember the last time she had slept so well. Adam's presence made her feel at ease. She still couldn't believe she had spent the night at his place, and they slept together in one bed. It wasn't caused by accident like in Uppsala, they did that willingly. She turned to her left side wanting to check if he was still asleep and slowly opened her eyes. The place next to her was empty. Laura jumped out of the bed with a sudden, panicky dread. She searched the entire apartment, finally noticing his coat was missing. She scolded herself silently for her unjustified behavior. She came back to the bedroom to change her clothes but only managed to put on underwear when the phone rang. She had expected Pritchard wanting something urgent, but luckily Faridah called so she answered.

"Hey Faridah, have you missed me?" she asked in a playful tone.

"Not really," she replied teasingly. "I looked for you, but the office is closed, so I went to Adam's, and he wasn't there either. I became extremely suspicious, and I am asking for an explanation."

"Well..." she made an attempt to tell her what had happened. "The return from Uppsala turned out to be even less pleasant than I assumed..."

Laura told Malik about the events that took place at her apartment the previous evening, and that Adam did not leave her alone in this difficult situation, but she said nothing about staying with him for the night.

"I hope you reported it to the police this time," she said in a firm tone.

"Yes, I called right away. Adam came in during the interrogation and I don't know how I'm going to repay him for that at all," she sighed as she strolled around the living room.

"Have you heard of such a thing as selfless help?"

"Many times, but it never worked in my case. In the end, someone always wanted something in return."

"You've obviously run into the wrong people. We..."

"I know Faridah, you and Adam are completely different, and I'm glad I met you," she interrupted her.

"All right, all right, little one, don't be too sweet," she laughed. "So are you staying with Adam longer?"

"Not really, I think I'll be at your place tonight," she replied.

"Ha! So you spent the whole night at his place!" she laughed ominously, proud to have pulled the information out of Laura.

"You sneaky viper! It was supposed to be a secret," she said with mild indignation, but Fly Girl sensed fear in her.

"After all, it's not the first time but... Hmm, the third? Come on, you know I won't tell anyone. Now tell me; how good is he in bed?"

"What?! I... We... Nothing like that!" Laura felt herself blushing.

"It was just an innocent joke, don't be so serious. And can I count on lunch together or have the lovebirds already excluded me from the pack?"

"It may be hard. I wanted to see the doctor today, I have to finalize my testimony and we still have to write a report. I started it yesterday, but Adam insisted I should rest."

"He was right! You should listen to him."


"No buts. Then will you let me know when everything will be clear?"

"Sure, we'll be in touch. See you around."

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