Chapter 61: The woman in a blue dress.

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Berlin 2011.

"How could you act behind my back?! Maybe you don't know this, but when Joe's not here, I'm the one who is his right hand," the bartender's tone was filled with anger.
"Toby, come on. She didn't mean to do... anything wrong. Why are you suddenly being... so harsh?" defended her Navras.
"We could have lost you, Joe. I didn't want you to continue with this case. It's no longer a walk through dark alleys. These wounds..." He paused, looking at Laura. He sighed. "These wounds were inflicted with a weapon that is not ordinary. Most likely it was a tri-edge dagger. This person wanted to leave his signature. What I don't know is whether he foresaw you would survive. You were very lucky."
"Joe went there because of me. That's why you're angry," the girl remarked.
"I already told you that..."
"Yes, because you are not a monster so you decided it was better to keep quiet about some issues. Besides, you respect Joe, and to some extent now I am protected by him so you are careful."

The truth hurt him more than the wounds Joe had sustained. He liked Laura, but sometimes she was an intruder for him. Someone who disturbed their peace. For a long time, it was just the three of them, they became brothers who helped each other. Suddenly she appeared and shattered all peace. She became someone most important, someone, under whom Joe subordinated his entire life.

"I'm sorry. I acted idiotically," Toby said.
"Each of us is guilty. We'd better make sure it doesn't happen again," Joe replied.

Toby examined Navras, checked how his implants were working and watched the monitoring machine's charts carefully.

"The implants are working better than I thought," he said with satisfaction. "Now the hands. Grab this," he asked, handing him a paper cup.

Joe crushed it almost immediately, which definitely made him feel worse. It's a miracle he didn't crush Laura's hand.

"This is something we need to work on," Toby said in a completely calm and upbeat tone. "Just rest. If anything happens, let me know, now I have to take care of the club."

When they were left alone, Laura sat on the edge of the bed and grabbed Joe's hand. He withdrew his hand so she grabbed it again. The man gasped with displeasure, and the girl laughed.

"It's not funny at all," he muttered.

"Yes, it is. After what you've been through, you're in excellent shape anyway. I'm sure that in a few days, you'll be able to move your hands like you used to. You'll probably even start walking."

Her optimism was something he really needed right now, so he responded with a smile.

"I know you want to be nice. Thank you," he replied, then carefully brought her hand close to his lips and kissed it.


Laura's words were like a prophet's prophecy because Navras's condition was indeed improving very quickly. He insisted on going back to his room, but Toby was not at first convinced that this decision was right. Eventually, he agreed, but Joe had to endure all the necessary and less necessary tests.

After a few days, he was already able to take a few steps without assistance and hold a glass in his hand without breaking it. When he tried to drink from it, his hands trembled, but it was still the holes in his stomach and Laura's over-protectiveness that bothered him the most. However, upon further reflection, the latter was very pleasant. The first time he decided to get out of bed without help he will remember for a very long time. At that time he knocked down a pitcher standing on the nightstand, ripped the peripheral IV catheter from his neck and burst his stitches. Laura wanted to help him but he yelled at her, and a little later Toby at him when he stitched his wounds back together. The girl took her things and went back to her room. Joe was then left alone and it was damn annoying that he couldn't do anything about it. He had to try very hard to get Toby to help him.

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