Chapter 26: The Red Drop.

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Detroit. Laura's apartment.

Adam didn't have time to ponder the reason that had pushed her into this suicide attempt. He wished very much it wasn't him. His police work had enriched him with first aid skills, and if he had the right equipment he could even perform simple treatments. Jensen swiftly reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a handkerchief, which he used to temporarily stop the bleeding on one of her hands. He began consciously but hasty to look for a first aid kit. Luckily he found it in a cupboard under the sink. He opened the box, from which he took two tourniquets, placed them above the wounds, and tightened them to help stop the bleeding more effectively. With another swift motion, he took his phone from his coat pocket and dialed the emergency number.

"This is nine one one what's your emergency?" he heard a female voice.

"Suicide attempt, female in her 30s. She slit her wrists and swallowed pills. I don't know how many might have been in the package," he informed matter-of-factly, mentioning the name of the drug.

"Please be patient and stay where you are. The ambulance will arrive in about five minutes. In the meantime, please stop the hemorrhage and..."

The Chief of Security dictated all the required information. "Already done, the woman is breathing but has a weak pulse."

"There is nothing more you can do. An ambulance is on its way. Goodbye."

"Goodbye," he replied before the connection was cut.

Only now did he notice he had Laura's blood on his hands. Although it wasn't the first time and he should get used to it, in this particular case he couldn't. With all his might, he tried to blame it on Damien, but he knew the most guilty one was himself. He had abandoned her in a cruel way, for the sake of the cause. Rupert might have been right, and that didn't make him feel any better. Soon he heard sirens wailing, so he went out into the corridor to lead the ambulancemen. Adam heard the clang of metal and the sound of wheels pounding across the floor.

"Well done, Mr. Jensen," one of the ambulancemen praised him. "You saved her life."

Adam nodded slightly but didn't feel any better from it at all. Standing aside, he watched as they took Laura to a stretcher and strapped her. She was pale and barely alive.

"Which hospital are you taking her to?" he asked at the last minute.

"If you're not her relative or husband, I'm sorry but I can't help," replied a man with dark, short-cut hair.

"She has no family," Jensen insisted.

"To the nearest one."

It was a clever answer that normally would have been of little use, but there was only one hospital in the area; the one he and Laura had visited recently. The Chief of Security nodded as a gesture of thanks. Immediately after they had left, he allowed himself to search the woman's lockers. He felt what he was doing was inappropriate, but he wanted to pack a few things that could be of use to her. He didn't know how long they would keep her on the ward. As he tucked her pajamas into the bag, he froze in mid-motion. A thought struck him, and he immediately pushed it away with all his might. What if she doesn't survive? As he walked through the living room, he was stopped by the ringing phone. It was lying on the coffee table, the one at which he had been drinking his coffee only moments ago. Even his mug was still standing on it. Adam glanced at the screen hesitating whether he should answer. The fact that it was Faridah justified his act.

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