Chapter 13: The End.

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The Jackdaw.

Laura rummaged in the soup with a spoon, which showed her nervousness perfectly. Adam, in turn, tried to choose the right words so as not to look like an idiot. They sat like that for the next several minutes until the Chief of Security decided to end this stupid situation.

"I wanted to talk about that incident in my office," he began, and his voice seemed to be even more husky than usual. "I don't know what possessed me, but I acted unprofessionally. A simple admonition would suffice."

"Adam..." She closed her eyes and shook her head. "You may have acted inappropriately, but I was the one who burst into your office. Instead of sticking to my common sense and simply say 'No I won't do it', give you a call or send a message I just blindly obeyed. You had the right to be pissed."

"Anyway, I'd like to leave it behind, and..."

He didn't have time to finish which, to some extent, brought on a feeling of relief. The fear of being misunderstood proved stronger than his good intentions.

"My, my, who do we have here? The Chief of Security and the new Chief of Cyber Security," Faridah said with a broad smile.

"Only temporary," Laura replied, not wanting rumors to circulate around the company that she wants to get rid of Frank. "Specifically by the end of the week."

"How modest. Come on, you're among trusted people." Malik waved her hand, glancing at Jensen.

She was surprised that they were sitting here together and not jumping at each other's throats. A miracle must have happened, and not just any.

"Laura has solved more problems than Frank did in most of his career," interjected Adam, who so far had only been a passive observer.

With these words, he made Miss Werner blush very visibly. Fly Girl blinked her eyes with disbelief and raised an eyebrow in surprise. She did not know what had happened in the meantime, but she enjoyed this state of things. Jensen was clearly happy in Laura's company, although he did not show it at all. Laura had apparently changed her mind about the grumpy Chief of Security too, and that blush only confirmed that. "Lovely picture." Faridah thought as she sat down next to the girl.

"How are the flights? You've had a lot of them lately?" asked the auburn-haired girl while eating the soup.

"Come on," she muttered dissatisfied. "They act like I'm the only pilot in the company. Faridah this, Faridah that. "

"I beg your pardon, but maybe I can serve something to the captain and his lovely company? The parley goes better when your stomach is full," they were interrupted by a waiter in a pirate costume with a long, red beard. Laura noticed right away that it was fake.

"Sea bass with herbs and black tea for me," Malik said without thinking long.

"Actually, I'm still hungry," Laura muttered. "For me, the same but with green tea"

Adam was not very original, so in the end, the waiter noted with an eagle quill on parchment three times the sea bass, one black tea, and twice the green tea. When they were alone, Jensen instinctively reached for the cigarettes in his coat pocket.

"May I?" Before he lit one, he turned to Laura for permission. She felt shocked once again.

"Of course, feel free," she replied kindly.

Incredible, they no longer play with the formalities. Seriously, something must have changed in their heads. Faridah was becoming more and more intrigued and determined to find out the truth. She knew Jensen well enough, so she could easily judge that such drastic changes in behavior were totally out of his style. Curiosity was eating her to the limit. A week of mutual kindness? Some stupid bet?

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