Chapter 31: The One Who Laughs Last, Laughs Best.

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Laura caught herself staring at Adam the whole time he was on the phone. She kept staring even when he finished the call and turned to face her. The man tactfully pretended not to notice, but deep down he felt happy.

"Adam, you were there, weren't you?" she asked suddenly.

"There means where?" Jensen tried to avoid the subject knowing full well what she was getting at.

The woman sighed. "You know damn well where. I've been honest with you, so you could be too."

Her words were so direct that they managed to surprise him. He had expected her to let go, to back off like she always did, but not this time.

Ex-SWAT returned to the table and took a seat next to her resting his elbow-bent hands on the tabletop and intertwining his fingers together.

"You're right. I came to the Monitoring Room. I brought coffee and sandwiches, I thought..." he paused feeling the words squeeze his throat, make him choke.

Laura put her hand on his palm without saying a word, without urging. She just was.

"I thought we'd eat together, that I'd be of use for something, but you were with Connor so I didn't want to interrupt. On the way out I inadvertently spilled my coffee and burned my hand," he explained.

She knew he was lying, but she let him think he had tricked her and believed it. Adam realized it was Laura who was now fighting for him and not him for her which hurt Jensen greatly. His old-fashioned views did not allow for such a scenario. It was the man who courted the woman, not the other way around. Fortunately, someone from the hotel staff knocked on the door, saving him from further questions. Jensen hesitantly went to open it, wanting to delay the moment when they will be alone again. Unfortunately, the waiter served them quickly and left.

"I hope you like rare steaks," Adam muttered uncertainly as he returned to his seat.

"Do I like it? Well not very," she said slowly, watching his nervousness grow over the fact that he had chosen poorly. "I love is a better term," she reassured him.

Jensen afforded a sparing smile and poured wine into glasses. He felt uncomfortable the whole time and couldn't relax one bit. Laura paused eating while looking intently at the man. She noticed a drop of sauce at the corner of his mouth and decided to take advantage of it. She didn't know why she was doing it. She was supposed to forget about the ex-SWAT. She was supposed to wage open war with him and wait for the moment when Adam will start to fight for her not against her. In the meantime, she was doing exactly the opposite. Adam reflexively pulled his head back when the woman moved her hand closer to him.

"Don't be like a child," she muttered displeased. "I don't bite. I guess."

The man let her finish what she started. The gentle tinkle of her fingers made him tremble. He had kissed the inside of her palm before she pulled it back.

"I'm sorry, it was..." he tried explaining but she interrupted him.

"It was very nice," she finished. "For God's sake stop apologizing. This is getting boring," she rebuked him immediately afterward.

Adam reached for his glass and took a sip of wine. "I didn't even ask how you were feeling. You have so much work to do."

"I'm a little tired, but otherwise I'm fine," she replied while playing with her fork.

"It's good Connor is helping you. At least you can count on him,"

Pressing her lips together in a narrow line, Laura put her fork down so firmly that it rang loudly against her plate.

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