Chapter 35: The lass that is gone.

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Detroit. Laura's apartment.

Connor was still trying to track down Laura's phone, but Adam already knew he wouldn't succeed. It had taken too long and was just a desperate attempt to delay his failure. The Chief of Security rubbed his temples and got up from the sofa to stretch his legs. With a slow step, he walked towards the terrace window. His phone rang when he was near Laura's antique clock. Ex-SWAT looked apologetically at Connor and left the apartment. He didn't answer until he was in the corridor; he didn't want that idiot to know that his psychologist, who was also his friend, was calling.

"Good evening Rupert. Is something wrong?" he asked since he never called him after eight in the evening.

"No, not at all. Everything is all right. It's just me and my absent-mindedness," The Scot laughed. "Sorry for calling so late, I didn't look at my watch," he explained.

"Come on, I'm awake anyway," he replied.

"I just thought if you didn't have plans maybe you could stop by tomorrow for Christmas dinner. Demelza said I had to convince you because she'd be offended."

Adam was surprised at this proposition. Yes, outside of Crann Tara they had also met at his place, but he had never invited him over for Christmas. Anyway, the reason was unimportant now, though he was anxious to know it. Rupert had put him in a rather awkward position where a refusal would be a huge gaffe.

"I have no plans for tomorrow, so I will gladly accept the invitation. What time should I come?"

"I think around noon would be just fine."

"I'll see you then."

Jensen stood in the hallway for a good quarter of an hour more after the conversation ended. He still couldn't explain why the sudden invitation came. Agreeing to it at the same time meant he had to leave Connor alone which didn't fill him with joy at all.

"Connor, I had an important call and I have to go. Stay here until Laura gets back," he ordered.

"Sure, I understand," he replied in a tone completely devoid of color, but the ex-SWAT could swear he heard superiority and triumph in it. "I'll let you know if she shows up."

Adam decided it was inappropriate to go to Rupert empty-handed so he went to the store before returning home. He was greatly relieved to see there was a young man, probably a student, standing at the cash register today. The Head of Security immediately went to the alcohol section and chose the best whisky they had on offer, later he also found cookies sprinkled with sugar. While they couldn't compare to those baked by Demelza, he had no better idea for a gift for her. Only at the last minute did he swap them for tea, figuring he might be committing a gaffe by giving her sweets. This time the cashier did not try to push him any promotional offers so he paid and left.

When he got home, he had an immediate urge to smoke before going to the shower. He also checked to see if he had any appropriate clothes. He found one last clean shirt and dark blue material trousers. He already remembered the Scot did not like to be overly elegant, so he resigned with the tie. Adam went to bed immediately after leaving the bathroom, but could not fall asleep. Laura's absence continued to haunt him.

In the morning, he ate scrambled eggs of three eggs and bacon, he would not swallow more anyway because of his nervousness and drank cool coffee. He tried to read another volume about Wallander, but he could not concentrate on what he was reading so he turned on the TV. Eliza was just relating Sarif's charity auction, and he was very glad that he wasn't Santa Claus. At about eleven o'clock he went to brush his teeth and comb his hair, which did not want to look the way he wanted it to anyway. He put on a beige shirt without buttoning a few buttons under his neck, sprayed himself with the usual toilet water, and then put on his shoes. In the closet, he found his jacket, over which he put his coat. Finally, he took two paper gift bags and closed the apartment.

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