Chapter 37: The Rules.

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Detroit. Adam's apartment.

Jensen regretted letting Connor fly to Uppsala. He regretted revealing where Laura was at all. On the other hand, he wouldn't have been able to go there himself anyway, so he didn't have much choice. He had come home early today because he had found the strength and a huge amount of self-denial to make up for yesterday's missed work as well as solve all of today's problems. Connor had sent him a message that he would be on his way to Sweden soon and assured him not to worry. But of course, why should he worry about Laura finding herself in the arms of another guy?

He spent half an hour making conjectures when he finally came to the conclusion that it was pointless and could only leave him with a headache and even more problems. Vanilla slept on her donut-shaped cushion so he left her food, changed his brown turtleneck sweater for a clean one, and while he was putting on his sports shoes he decided it was high time to change them for winter leather brogue boots. He put on his coat and immediately popped up the collar, then left the apartment.

As he walked down the street toward Crann Tara, he thought about what Christmas would have been like if Laura hadn't run away. Each successive thought squeezed his heart harder and harder. The woman was so carefree when she danced and sang. As carefree as a child. Adam immersed himself in the bustle and heavy air filled with the smell of tobacco. He intended to walk toward the stairs but was stopped by the familiar voice of the bartender.

"Mr. Jensen, I haven't seen Mr. MacKenzie here in a while if you're looking for him. He always stopped by even at Christmas to wish me well and make a little toast," he informed, knowing that Jensen had always met the Scot here. "Anything to serve?" he asked.

"I'm craving a good beer today," he said, though he didn't really feel like staying. Politeness kept him from refusing.

The bartender nodded, reached for a wooden mug, and poured a dark beer into it. Adam paid and immediately took several large sips. Instinctively he checked his phone but Connor hadn't sent any message, which heightened his concern. Over the next several minutes, Pritchard called more than ten times, but he didn't answer. He noticed that it was past seven o'clock so he emptied his pint, nodded goodbye to the bartender, and left.

The street greeted him with an icy gust of wind that brutally reminded him that winter was coming. He did not like the presence of snow in the city, because when it melted he always had wet trousers, and when it froze in some places it was terribly slippery. In fact, he did not like winter at all, but being in Uppsala changed that belief forever. The snowball fight still brings a smile to his face, and partnering Laura on the ice rink is something he would definitely like to do again someday. Adam stood for a moment outside the entrance wondering what to do. He decided to pay Rupert an unannounced visit. He knew it wasn't very polite, but he had no choice. It was imperative that he rectified his mistake. He should buy a gift, but just as he was about to head to the store he remembered that MacKenzie considered such gestures empty and guilt-ridden.

He slipped his hands into his coat pockets and rushed down the street straight to the subway stop. He was passed by busy pedestrians, children walking home, the crowd so thick that he had to forcefully pave his way. In the distance, an ambulance siren sounded, and right next to him a policeman was writing out a traffic ticket. Life went on in Detroit, and he felt like he was going in circles like a hamster in a hamster wheel. The subway ride condemned him to the sight of a couple in love bestowing affection on each other. Personally, he had never been a fan of public demonstration of his feelings, but for Laura, he could break his rule at least for once. A terrible sorrow squeezed his heart. He had a feeling that it would take his breath away and he would soon lose consciousness.

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