Chapter 51: The Short Time Apart.

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Adam finished reading and rubbed the root of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. Closing the journal, he placed it on the coffee table. Jensen tried to accept what he read moments earlier as he would any other information, but the spectre of Joe, which would now be present in their lives, caused anxiety. He also noticed how much he resembled him, which made the concern even stronger. However, this is not the time to stick his head in the sand but to fight for Laura's affections. In doing so, he had to be himself without pretending to be someone else. Then he would best check if she was looking for another Joe in him. The man looked around the living room; it was strangely quiet, even the cats were asleep on the sofa so he got up heading to the bedroom to lie down. When ex-SWAT swung the door open he saw Laura sitting on the bed, staring at the pocket watch held in her hand. Jensen smiled.

"Where did you find my watch? I've been looking everywhere for it," he asked, focusing her attention on him.

"I found it when I was at the Camarilla Club," she replied.

The Chief of Security sat down beside her, straightened his leg and leaned with his back against the wall. He waited to see when and if she would even understand what he wanted to convey to her in this question.

"Wait...Wait a minute..." She looked at the ex-SWAT. "Your watch?" the man nodded affirmatively. "I... Then..."

"We danced together," he helped her finish. "I was in Crann Tara, coming home I saw you walking there. It was an impulse. I just wanted to be close, and a disguise is a perfect excuse."

"How did you recognize me?"

"Well, there was only one lady in blue. I ruled out being mistaken. Disappointed?"

The woman shook her head negatively. "On the contrary, subconsciously I was hoping to see you there. I thought it was you who asked me upstairs."

"It wasn't me. I left right after that waltz."

Laura handed Adam back his watch. "Unfortunately, it crashed."

"That's nothing. I'll have something to do. I like repairing old watches."

"I'll make breakfast, it's late and it's probably today you have an appointment at the hospital?" she reminded something Adam didn't want to remember.

"Wait. I wanted to thank you," he stopped her when she was about to get up.

"For what?" she asked surprised by his words.

"For being honest with me. Everything you wrote must have cost you a lot."

"You're right, but you should know that. Even if it hurts."

Jensen leaned over and kissed the top of her head. After breakfast, Adam called a cab. Laura insisted on going with him, but he firmly refused. Less than an hour later, the ex-SWAT called to say he had to stay for additional tests and would only be back in a few hours. They agreed she would leave him spare keys at a neighbour's flat as if he had returned earlier and used the time to shop and look at The Jackdaw to see if Faridah was there.


Adam wasn't home when Laura brought the groceries so she unpacked them and left. She had just passed the cut-through leading to Augtasia, Camarilla Club and that third club, which still had no signboard or opening date. She remembered the man in the mask, and that alone pushed her straight to the door of the Camarilla. Until eighteen o'clock, it was an ordinary place where one could have a cup of good coffee or tea and eat something sweet without dressing up in Victorian costumes. She didn't count on meeting this mysterious man but hoped that maybe one of the guests knew him. Two girls were sitting at one of the tables, sipping coffee, eating apple pie and chatting. Laura approached them.

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