Chapter 16: The ones unable to communicate.

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Sarif Industries / The Jackdaw

Faridah went back to her office to get the jacket, which she had thrown over the orange top. Before leaving, she had to check if there's any off-schedule flight. She also uploaded an updated schedule and maintenance report to the company's network. Assured that no one needed her, she closed the office and went down to the lobby. Laura was not there yet, so she waited for her, leaning her arm against the advertising display case. She took her phone out of her back trouser pocket and started browsing the news on the internet, but found nothing of interest.

Walking back and forth with her hands in jacket pockets, she wondered about what might be tormenting the girl. Probably it's just another Jensen thing. He must have said something to her with that characteristic gentleness worthy of a bull in a china shop. A few minutes later, Miss Werner joined Malik as she circled around the round, red reception desk, with an apologetic, forced smile on her face. Girls left the company and headed straight to 'The Jackdaw'. For a moment Faridah wanted to change the place, fearing that Adam would sooner or later show up there too, but after all, they couldn't avoid each other forever.

Right after entering, the auburn-haired girl reflexively looked to her left. With a feeling of immense relief, she found that the hooded man was not there today and that there were actually only a few people in the tavern with no Jensen on the horizon. The air has not yet soaked up with the cigarette smoke and hasn't thus drowned out the pleasant aroma of herbs and dishes cooked in the kitchen. As usual, the girls went to the next room, which was empty and quite dark. They cautiously decided not to occupy Adam's table and chose one at the other end of the room, against the wall, which at the same time gave them a good view of the surroundings. The waiter approached them not long after, so they ordered two mugs of tea, roasted salmon, and cod with herbs.

Laura nervously nibbled on the Crunchy Pirate cereal, prepared in a wooden bowl as a snack. There was also a mug with straws on the table. Fly Girl was more and more alarmed about Laura's silence, but she didn't press. Malik let her friend choose the moment when she tells her what was bothering her. The girl's behavior verified Faridah's earlier assumptions. It must have been more serious than she expected, but surely Adam was more or less involved in it.

"Do you have much work to do with those passwords changing things?" she tried starting conversation somehow.

"Not more than usual," she replied in a cheerless tone, scraping the remnants of red wax off the tabletop with her fingernail.

"Did Francis say when he was coming back?" Malik pulled on the conversation by force.

"Monday, I think. He hasn't even called me lately."

"Why would he bother with talking to some inferior, filthy entity," she thought while closing her eyes. Laura appreciated Faridah's efforts, but this chatting about nothing just to kill the silence irritated her. She would have preferred if she had asked directly.

The waiter brought the order, which smelled wonderful, but the mere thought of swallowing anything made Laura felt like she was going to throw up. She hadn't had anything in her mouth since this morning, and only out of sheer common sense she forced herself to eat. During the meal, silence accompanied them, Malik gave up on her efforts, considering them forced.

"I was raped yesterday," she said unexpectedly in a completely indifferent tone, tracing chaotic patterns on the wooden table with her fingertip.

The faint flame of a candle, stuck to the table, dimmed, bent horizontally, and the red wax hissed. Malik nearly choked on a sip of tea when she heard it. Laura spoke about it as if it was something normal. Is she out of her mind?! Besides, she doesn't act like someone who's been through hell. She should be sitting in a dark room now, surrounded by wet tissues, rejecting all calls, not answering messages, and suffering so visibly that even a blind man would notice. Meanwhile, she comes to the company and simply carries out duties assigned to her. Yes, she is a bit depressed, but it looks more like the result of another clash with Adam. One of many such clashes that take place and pass, then disappear in the recesses of memory, and when are mentioned they evoke laughter. Faridah decided she needed to learn to analyze Laura's behavior more carefully to better spot when she might be in serious trouble in the future.

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