Chapter 28: The way you say my name.

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Camarilla Club.

Laura stood in front of the man for a long time, not really knowing what she should do. On the one hand, she wanted to sit down, on the other she was afraid. The woman wasn't sure if she had just fallen into Kratos' trap. She should have recognized his voice, but it had been so long ago that she had forgotten what it sounded like. After a moment's hesitation, Laura took a seat in the second armchair. Only now did she look carefully at the room. Not only the furniture but the whole room was the one described on the radio. Unfortunately, she missed the next broadcasts, so she knew nothing about the person sitting across from her.

"I have an appointment with someone, but I think he's going to be late or not come at all. I should be downstairs right now," she tried to explain herself although she didn't know why. After all, she hadn't done anything wrong.

The man listened with feigned seriousness as Laura explained every detail, waiting for her to finish. In fact, his attention was focused on the woman only when she showed him the watch. He looked at it carefully keeping up appearances because he immediately knew who it belonged to.

"I'm sorry but other than the fact that it looks very valuable and has a broken glass I can't say anything else. None of the guests have one, or at least I don't know of anyone reporting it missing," he replied handing the item back. "In that case, you should keep it or give it to the police," he suggested intertwining his fingers together.

"I still don't understand why I'm here. My friend is definitely looking for me and..." Laura wanted to get up, but the host wouldn't let her leave.

"Maybe he's not looking at all?" he asked. "A glass of whisky?" the man offered.

She wanted to refuse him but decided that maybe a few sips of something stronger would help her get her nerves under control. "Gladly," she replied, taking a seat in the armchair again.

"What if he already found?" the question made the woman's hand tremble as she grabbed her glass, which didn't escape the man's attention.

"I would know that," she indignantly replied but immediately after those words a thought nestled in her mind that seemed so strange as to be ridiculous. She moved restlessly in her armchair. It was partly the cause of the outfit and partly what she had just thought of.

Whisky, why whisky? Could it be that Adam was sitting in front of her? No, that's not his style at all.

The host decided he would show her mercy, although he didn't really want to reveal his identity so soon. When he touched the mask in a slow-motion, he noticed Laura twitch. It was such a subtle movement, easy to miss but not for him. The nervous beating of her heart was almost palpable. He could see the blood pulsing in the artery on her neck. The woman acted like a canary locked in a cage with a cat. She wanted to fly away but was restrained by the steel bars, so she beat her wings nervously until she lost her strength, losing her golden feathers in the process.

Joe, is it Joe? He said he was leaving. No, he's too serious for such games.

Laura pressed her back tighter into the backrest of the armchair, with her fingers clenching nervously on the armrests. She had already seen his chin and a piece of his lower lip, slowly exposing cheek. Just a moment more and...

An unexpected knock on the door made the host cover his face again. He looked annoyed by the situation as if it was not an expected part of the show.

"Please excuse me but..." the butler began.

"Didn't I made myself clear?! No phone calls, no meetings, no usual problems," his voice grew louder. He was agitated and imperious.

Kratos! Only he could change the mood like that. First, he beat her unconscious, then he gently wiped the blood from her lips and kissed the sore spots. First, he would scream in a voice full of fury, only to then cradle her in his arms.

Deus Ex Human Revolution: Shadow's ShowdownOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora