F I F T E E N | The Greater Good

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Blessed Mess

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Blessed Mess


"Did you pick up your slip?" I shuffled through my bag for a few seconds before my eyes fell onto the folded white paper.

"Right here" I replied taking it out. Elliot nodded passing his slip over to me as we walked down the school hallway to meet the others. When we finally caught up with the girls and Jacob, I handed the slips to Sira who gathered them from the others and ran them down to the office.

"I'm quite excited for this" I smiled at Sira when she made her way back to us.

"It's a museum, Jess" Sira said laughing at my excitement. 

"It doesn't matter." I shrugged before giving both Sira and Alyssa a hug before running for my class.

"Where's mine?" Elliot yelled after me. I just laughed turning around to flip him the bird instead. Elliot was in the same class as me, but I left him behind so I could secure a good seat for myself. Elliot always happened to run late.

Sometimes you meet people, and it's so clear that on some level, you belong together. As lovers, as friends, as family, or as something entirely different. You just work, whether you understand one another or you're in love or you're partners in crime. You meet these people through-out your life, out of nowhere, under the strangest circumstance, and they help you feel alive. I don't know if that makes me believe in coincidence, fate or just blind luck but it definitely makes me believe in something. 

I must have done something right because I was blessed with such people all at once in the form of Sira, Alyssa, Jacob and most importantly Elliot.

"What about you Jessica?" Mr Turners sharp voice tore me out of my thoughts. I cleared my throat looking around the class. Elliot was sat next to him, hiding a smile behind the hand covering his mouth.

"Um I--I'm sorry what was the question?" I asked embarrassed trying to ignore the stares. I was currently sat in my English class with the book "The story of an hour" sat in front of me. 

Mr Turner sighed deeply, before repeating his question. "Explain the role of death in someone's everyday life and then then the explain it's role in literature." 

I looked down at my book skimming over the text. Louise had just found out her husband had passed in a car accident. That hit close to home.

"Death surrounds us and our everyday life, it's something that we eventually have to adapt to and accept." I started. I felt Elliot's hand reach into mind, giving me a reassuring squeeze. I looked up at him but he was staring ahead at Mr Turner.  

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