T W E N T Y - E I G H T | Memories

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She's a mess, but she's a masterpiece

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She's a mess, but she's a masterpiece. 


Elliot was still sat opposite as everything crashed down on me. Every moment, since my big move to the US, flashed through my head as all the missing pieces aligned. More than before though Elliot had taken over my mind, heart and soul.

I continued to stare at him as the sea of emotions nearly drowned me. I finally had an explanation. There was an explanation as to his eyes, and why the sound of his voice gave me such intense butterflies. How his smile made my heart skip a beat and how every time I was with him, I felt complete. I unconsciously leant up onto my knees, wrapping my hands around Elliot's necks, placing my lips on his. I didn't want anyone else to have him. I didn't want anyone to have his heart, kiss his lips or be in his arms. Because he was mine. And that was only my place.

"I'm going to remember" I whispered against his lips. Elliot's hands tightened against my waist. 

"You will remember" he confirmed looking deep into my soul. A small smile lit up on my face. It all finally made some sense. Seeing my smile, Elliot slowly smiled back, his hand coming up to graze my cheek. 

"I miss you" he whispered. I controlled my laboured breathing. 

"I'm right here" he replied resting my hand against his. He smiled at me once again.

"You will be" he leant forward taking my lips onto his once again. This time softer than they ever were, as if he applied any pressure I would break and disappear. 

"We should go see your parents" Elliot finally said pulling away. I swallowed my nerves, lifting myself off Elliot's lap and sat beside him instead. 

"Let's go" I finally sighed standing up. I had to go confront the truth at some point and running wasn't an option anymore. Elliot stood up next to me taking my hand into his own leading me down the stairs. The living room was full of the people that meant the most to me. Mum, dad, Sira, Alyssa, Jacob, Elle, David and Elaine. 

"Jess" mum ran towards as soon as she saw me wrapping her arms around me. 

"I've missed you so much" I hugged her tighter as the words left my mouth. I've missed my mums company. 

"I missed you too" she cried. "I'm so sorry, I really did-" she continued but I cut her off pulling myself out of her arms. I took her hand into my own pulling her towards the couch taking a seat.

"I get it. I'm not angry. I don't think I ever was. More confused. Scared?" I said filling the silence in the room. 

"Thank you for looking after me" I finally addressed everyone else in the room. 

"How long will it take?" I directed my question towards David. He knew exactly what I was referring to.

"We can't say. It all depends on you, Jess." He replied. I knew in-order to heal I first needed to understand how to heal. I needed to put time and effort into healing. Healing was a process and wasn't something that would happen overnight, no matter how much I wanted it to. Healing from something like amnesia wasn't going to be easy. Sorrow is going to come in waves, sometimes I'll feel like I'm drowning and other days I'll feel like I'm floating. Some days I'll feel broken but other days I'll feel renewed. All it will take is patience.

"I've got a guest room ready" Elaine finally spoke up looking towards my parents. 

"Thank you" my dad answered.

"How long are you here?" I asked standing up following suit. 

"We're leaving tomorrow. Work isn't granting a leave of absence. I'm so sorry" Mum said guiltily. I smiled at her. I didn't blame them. Responsibilities called. I'm just glad they came running when I needed them the most. Dad pulled me into another hug before following Elaine and David out the room. 

"Are you guys staying?" Elliot finally spoke up.

"No, we'll get going now too." Jacob replied standing up. I looked towards the trio as they stared back.

"I'm not an alien" I laughed pulling the girls into a hug. They signed into my shoulders squeezing me tighter. 

"We'll do everything we can, I promise" Alyssa said and I agreed with slight nod. Elliot left with the trio walking them to the door leaving me on my alone for the first time that night. I let myself bask in the silence, my mind running free. 

"Penny for your thoughts?" Elliot broke through taking a seat next to me.

"Absolutely nothing. I'll giving my mind a break" I smiled at him. Elliot wrapped an arm around my shoulder pulling me towards him. I snuggled closer, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Just tell me what you want me to do. I'll do anything" he finally spoke up after a few moments of silence. I pulled away from him so that I could see his face.

"I don't want you to do anything. Just be you. I need you" I replied cupping his face with my hands. Elliot leant into my hand, taking one into his own, kissing the palm.

"You have all of me" I stood of pulling me up with him. Instead of taking me up the stairs he took me down to the basement once again.

"Why are we here?" I asked Elliot when he let go of my hand and began rummaging around the place once more. Elliot mumbled something that was too hard for my ears to catch before he finally met up with me again, his arms full of frames and pictures. 

"Come" he called out leading me back up once again towards my room. Elliot walked in dumping everything in his arms onto my bed.

"This is everything from before the accident" he finally explained before pointing a USB in my direction. "Plug this into your laptop when you've finished everything here" he pointed towards the bed. 

This wasn't how I expected my summer to go. Trying to remember myself. But here I was. My brother was alive and there was nothing more I wanted than my memories. All of them.



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