T W E N T Y - S E V E N | Remember Me?

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I would find you in any lifetime

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I would find you in any lifetime


Retrograde Amnesia; the loss of memory before a large trauma. Six months. Six months of my life all gone. David offered me a bottle of water but I didn't make a move to accept it. Instead Elliot's voice rung in my ears.

'You forgot me'. I turned to face him but he avoided my eyes. I grabbed the hand he had placed on his lap forcing him to look at me.

"I forgot you?" I whispered. I knew Elliot? I forgot Elliot? Who else had I forgotten? 

"Oh God" I muttered when the dizziness that hit me was much more intense than it had ever been. I began swaying in my seat alarming Elliot who immediately wrapped me in his arms laying me down as the world around me went dark. 

When I blinked my eyes open again I had woken up in my room once more. I groaned at the pain in my head as the information from the last few hours came flying in. I sat up in bed bringing my knees to my chest. I forgot. I had forgotten it all. I had forgotten Elliot? Did I know Sira, Alyssa and Jacob too?

Somewhere it made some sense too me. Elliot made sense to me. It made sense why he was always so familiar to me - or why it felt less like how I was getting to know him and more as though I was remembering him. Because even if I didn't remember him, my soul did. How every smile, every whisper brought me closer to the conclusion that I had known him before, I had loved him before - in another time, another place - some other existence. 

"Hey" a voice called from the door threshold. I didn't lift my head from my knees to look at Elliot. 

"Stupid question, but how you feeling?" he asked taking a seat next to me. Truth was that I was drained. So emotionally drained. I lifted my head looking up at Elliot. I missed him. I missed the boy who always tried to make me smile. In these last two days Elliot had lost himself. I had lost myself. We had lost us. 

"Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't anyone tell me?" I asked resting my chin on my knees once again. Elliot sighed leaning himself against the headrest.

"We couldn't. You were supposed to remember on your own. We couldn't force you or pressure you into remembering. It could have potentially caused long-term damage and I wasn't ready to risk that." he explained. "You weren't supposed to know about Daniel unless you got your memory back. If you got it back." he finished. 

"Anyway, everyone's waiting for you downstairs" he mentioned and I froze. "You don't need to see them until your ready" he reassured with a small smile

"Are you okay?" I asked instead looking at him. Elliot looked at me with a small smile playing on his lips.

"No, not really. I haven't been for a while, but I have a feeling that's going to change now." he said making me smile slightly. "You know hardest thing I have ever done was walk away from you when I was still so madly in love with you." he whispered looking at me. "You had to grieve Daniel Jess, and I had to grieve the loss of you, and you were still alive." Elliot said looking down at his hands. Elliot loved me, he always had done. The thought of that made my heart warm.

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