i don't know what to call this

664 4 0

this characters are not mying they bolng to NewScapePro.

Also this oneshot is base of the comment

"He's someone I always look up to after all the scp's he containd the man's a legend".

"Strange I haven't heard more about him. Though his record does seem impressive"

"Dr buck"


"Are you feeling alright? i don't mind doing the interview myself"

" or we could always rescaguel for another time"

"No that won't be necessary"

"Okay. No problem you seem distracted is all"

"Something on your mind?".

"The only thing distracting me is the two of you. Pls give me a minute alone to subject in peace"

" yes ma'ma"

Mr Moore and agent Lawrence left the hallway.

Dr Buck took a deep breath to calm herself down. She looks at agent green putting on a straight face.

Agent Green opened his eyes as two burning coals with smoke came flooding out as it goes to black.

Dr Buck covers her mouth stifling a scream as the man emulates\desiccates before her eyes.

Mr moore and agent Lawrence walk in a minute later. 

"Dr buck is something wrong?'' Mr Moore asks, waking over to her.

Agent Lawrence looks at Agent Green, his eyes widened. "DOCTOR DOCTOR". He yelled.

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