incorrect quotes part 10

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Ramsey: hey idiot *pins carson to the wall*

Carson: ya.

Ramsey: I have anger issues and am in love with you.

Carson: what?

Ramsey: Want to go on a date?

Carson: I feel like I can't say no.

Ramsey: Is that a yes?

Carson: yes.

Ramsey: great *leads*

Carson :  What just happened ? 


Buck: happiness is only Tampere

Green: So is sadness.

Buck: lifes not fair.

Green: for no one.

Buck: we're only here to suffer.

Green: and have fun.

Buck: I hate everything.

Green :  oh 😢

Buck :  *looks at green* Well there is one thing i don't hate.

Green :  😄


Numita :  Hey jones your wife cheated on you with me.

Jones :  nice joke.

2 months later

Jones' son :  father, me and my friend took a dna test.

Jones :  That's nice.

Jones son :  and you're not my father.

Jones :  *looks at it*

2 hours later

Jones: *brakes into numita house* NUMIAT WHAT THE F****.

Numita: i'm in danger


Green: hey Amilia.

Buck: yes.

Green: I like your skirt.

Buck: oh thank you it was 50% off.

Green: I would like them better 100% off.

Buck: the store can't give things away for free, that's a horrible business.

Green: That's not what I mean.


Reilly: Who are you?.

Gustav: You but from another world.


Collingwood: Lawrance.

Lawrance: *is sitting in the dark turns arun smiling creepy*.

Collingwood: Come on, it's time for therapy.


Collingwood: How about being sad that someone died ? 

Buck: emotions? I don't have those anymore like cold Turkey because at the end of the day when you let someone in they just die.

Collingwood: dear 343 you're dead on the inside.


Child buck: dad I'm hungry.

Numita: hi hungry i'm your dad..

Child buck: why are you like this?..


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