head injury

413 3 2

Buck and collingwood were doing experiments on scp 9798 a cliff that is always mode.

Buck writes some things down as a d-class keeps moving to different places of the clife.

The d-cass started to look annoyed. Glaring at both doctor's.

Carson and agent green watch not blinking at the d-class.

The d-class walked away from the cliff looking over at the doctor's "had enough?" the d-class asks, staring at them.

"Um we still have some more notes to do" collingwood side.

The d-class ground annoyed "well i'm done" 

"You don't have a choice on this d- 4567" buck side getting closer but not going near the anonymous area.

"If you really want your little notes you get them by using it yourself!" the d-class yells.

Buck blink glaring at the d-class "GET IN THERE OR I WILL MAKE YOU" buck yelled walking in front of the d-class.

The d-class look at her smirking "make me then weekling" .

Buck gread the d-class trying to mode him to the anomalies.

The d-class pushed her off of him glaring at her.

Buck pushes him to the anomalies area.

The d-class gread her, punishing her to the anomalies area.

Agent green ran over to get buck but it was too late the clife moved under buck.

She fall her head hitting  one of the rocks on the ground.

Carson pinned the d-class down as agent green ran down a slope to get buck.

Buck head was bleeding a bit.

Green gread her, carrying her back to the top of the clife.

Time skip

Buck woke up. She gread her head feeling a bandage on it.

"Amilia" buck looked over seeing green ran over to her "i'm so happy you're okay".

Buck looks at green and blink at him.

"Do you not remember me?" green ask worride.

"Thomas of cures i remember you" buck side smiling at her boyfriend.

Green smile kissing buck cheek.

Buck smiles at him. "I love you" 

Green smile "love you to"

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