hiden sickness

371 4 11

Buck sat in her office she put her hand on her head feeling a headache set in.

Buck started to cough loudly.

She sniffed a little when the counting fit ended "this flu is getting harder to hide" she mumbled to herself.

She pick up a file waking to a scp cell

"Hi dr buck" said dr collingwood smiling.

"Hello dr collingwood"  said dr buck. "Are you ready to start the test?" she asked.

Dr Colllingwood nodde watching as a d-class entered scp 085 cell.

Dr Buck rubbed her forehead as she stared too sweet. "It's really hot in here, '' she said to herself.

Collingwood look at her "are you sure? because it's really cold in here" 

Buck let out a small laugh "ya i guess it's just my turtle neck" she said looking at what scp 085 was doing.

Small time skip

Buck sniffed a little looking at some notes to do an interview.

She heard the door to her office open. She looks up seeing agent green enter.

"How are you doing muffin?"  he asked, smiling.

Buck smiled "i'm fine thomas" she said

Green smiled "that's great"

"You should be heading to your mission. Stay safe" said dr buck.

Green smiled "I won't don't worry". He said going to walk away

Buck started to cough maken green turn arun "are you okay ? " he asked worriedly.

Buck nodde "ya i was just clearing my throat" 

Green rais a eyebrow "if you say so '' he said before walking away. 

Buck smiled before having a coughing fit. She took a sip of coffee when it end

"Better,'' she Said to herself. "Know i need to get to that interview," she mumbled to herself before leaving her office.

Collingwood walk over to her "hi Amelia" she said with smile

"Hello Molly. Do you need something?" buck ask 

"I just wanted to talk to you" collingwood answers

Buck nodde "what about?" 

"Just curious about some things," Collingwood answers.

Buck nodde "ask away" 

" just wanted to know how your relationship with green has been?" collingwood ask

"It's been fine" buck said looking away

Collingwood smiled 

Buck cleared her throat "my throat is killing me" she mumbled to herself.

"Did you say something?" ask Collingwood.

" No, I was just talking to myself. '' buck answers.

Collingwood nodde walking away

At the end of the day

Buck enterd her appartment looking the door going to make herself coffee

She rubs her forehead before going to her bed. laying down. She shivered a little "it's so cold" she mumbled to herself trying to go to sleep.

3 : 10

Buck stood up from her bed walking to the kitchen making a cup of coffee. She chouge it down. She put the cup in the sink before walking out of her appartement locking it going to work.

At work

Buck entered her office sitting down. she looked at some paperwork feeling a headache sat in. She ground putting her head down.

She heard her office door open. She lifted her head seeing Collingwood walk in "you okay Amelia ? "

Buck nodde "just tired" she said, rubbing her eyes.

Collingwood look at her "you should probably go home you don't look well"

"I'm fine Molly, you don't have to worry about me, '' Buck said, her voice becoming raspy at the end.

Collingwood raised an eyebrow "are you sure?"

Buck nodde "it's just a sore throat" she answered

Collingwood nodde walking out of the office.

Buck look back at her paperwork

She started to have a counting fit that ended with her gagging.

Buck sniff a little rubbing her nose "this we'll go away"  she mumble to herself looking back at her paperwork.

She heard a knock on her office door "coom in" she said in a raspy voice

Green entered the office "are you okay Amilia ? "

Buck look at green "ya. Why do you ask ? "

"You don't look well" he said walking over to her.

" I'm fine agent green," Buck said.

Green frown puttin the back of his hand on buck forehead. He pulls away "Amelia your burning up"

"I'll be fine green don't worry" buck said 

Green schock his head "your cleary sick"

"I'm fine green!. It's just a cold" buck yelld

Green ground " I'm bringing you home"  he said.

"I'm fine Thomas" buck said crossing her arms.

Green ground "no your not Amelia. Your cleary sick and it's clearly not just a cold"

Buck hough before she started to have a coughing fit.

"For how long have you been sick?" Green ask

'I guess there's no point in lying now' bucky though. " two weeks' ' she answered.

Green schock his head " i shud have guss" he put a hand on his head " i'm guessing you haven't taken any medicación for it"

Buck let out a small nervous laugh.

Green facepalm "i should have known. i'm bring you home" 

"I'll be fine," Buck said.

Green ground "no your not Amelia"

Buck started to cough again.

Green tilted his head "well Amelia?"

"Okay fine your right green"

Green smiled "let's go home know" 

Small time skip

Green entered buck apperment buck following behan him.

Buck sniffed a little, closing the door behane her.

Green walk over to the cabinet's "where do you keep your medica?" he ask.

" upper left cabinet" she answered

Green opened it to see the dayquil. He greaded it and spone. He looked over at Buck seeing her sitting down on her couch shivering.

He walked over to her sitting down next to her. He put the medicine and spone on the tattle. He watched as Buck took a spone full of the median.

Green walked over to her room grading some blankets walking over to buck giving it to her.

"Feel better ? " he ask

Buck sniff a little "no" she rasp

Green let out a small laugh "you'll feel better soon" he said

Buck laid her head on green shoulder. Green smiled and started to play with her hire.

Buck smiled closing her eyes.

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