Overwatch x neko reader

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You were waiting for older brother to come and get you from sitters, though he wasn't you brother by blood you were both the closest thing to family.
"We're my rascal!" Jesse yelled as you ran up to him.
You excitedly ran up to his open arms. He payed your sitter as he brought you home. It was a small two room house Jesse boss let him live in. You took of the beanie you always wore and two little cat ears popped out. Your tail unwrapped from your waste. Stretching you ran to the kitchen for dinner.
"Here, I got these for ya" He said handing you a new journal and pen. You took it and jumped happily seeing it was your favorite color.
As you both ate TV dinners when he got a call. Your sitter had a family issue and wouldn't be able to watch you for a few days. Jesse swore under his breath and then turned to you.
"How do you feel like coming to work with me tomorrow?"
The next day you were brought to the gang hideout were Jesse was greeted by Ashe.
"Why's are they here?" She asked.
"Sitter had things to sort out, trust me, I wouldn't brought them here if I had a different option" he says as you looked around.
"Just keep them out the way," she said as she walked away "your with the new guy".
As she walked away Jesse walked up to the newbie, making made sure your beanie was secured.
"Ray, get your ass here" Jesse yelled as a man walked over.
Looking up at him you hid behind Jesse.
"We need to go collect payments" he tells him.
"What's up with the kid?" Ray asked.
"My sister, now hurry up, the faster we're done the faster I can head home" he started walking out the base.
As you made your ways to get payments Jesse always leaving you with Ray and the words "try anything funny and there'll be a bullet in your skull". At the end of the day Jesse got all the payments and was heading back to bass with you on his back.
"Were are your parents?" He asked you and Jesse.
"Dead and I don't know" he said as you nodded tiredly.
"Your not related?" Ray asked.
You opened your book and scribble on the pages before you turned it to Ray.
"The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb" Ray read out loud.
"What there tryin' to say is that family is family, doesn't matter if your blood or not" he said catching your journal as you nodded off.
Once Jesse had the money turned in he left to head home when he was stopped by Ray.
"Out of all jobs why here?" He asked.
"I have a kid to take care of, so any work is good work" he tells him.
You waved tiredly to Ray as Mccree made his way back home. He decided to follow you both and soon saw your home. It looked barely livable but you guys didn't care. Later at the motel Ray was staying at he made a phone call.
"We have a problem" Gabriel tells Jack.
"What is it?" He asked.
"There definitely dealing with illegals weapon trade and way more but thats not my concern," Gabe pulled up a picture of you and Jesse "their kids Jack, Jesses 17 and (Y/N) is just six, how the hell did they get wrapped up in this?".
"People will do drastic things in drastic times," Jack says as he prepares to hang up "tomorrow at 10 we'll raid the hideout".
The next day Gabe was looking around for you and Jesse, trying to get to you both before the raid. Once he finally found you and Mccree shot were going of outside.
"What the hell?!," Jesse said as you too jumped up and hid behind him "Ray what's going on?!"
"Jesse you need to come with me now" he said as you started to tremble.
"What the hell, we run away from the-" Jesse stoped when he saw Gabe's getup. Throwing a crate at him, Jesse picked you up and ran. Your hat flew of and you made no attempt at hiding your features.
As you both ran you finally made it out but Jesse dropped once he finally got you both far away from the battle. Thanks to adrenaline Jesse didn't feel the shots he received in the crossfire, but once he did it was to late and he was loosing blood. Attempting to drag him away you were met with no movement. Jesse was loosing blood, you were
Confused and scared.
You jumped up and growled as Gabe tried walking towards, your hair puffing up. Putting his hand up he stopped.
"Look, no weapons"he said but you saw his gun. Noticing he took it out The holster and threw it to the side.
"Jesse needs help. Let me see his injuries" as he stepped forward you swiped and hissed.
He wanted to help but you were making it impossible. Whispering into his com you froze when you felt a prick in your neck. flailing around your tried to find what hit you your limbs soon became numb and droopy which lead you falling to the ground. Gabe caught you as he yelled for medics. Struggling to move you watched as Jesse was picked up and moved to a stretcher as you mewed weakly, trying to get to him.
"It's okay, their just trying to help him" Gabe tells you before you go limp in his arms.
You fell into a dreamless sleep, unaware you were being brought to overwatch base. Waking up in a room you never seen before you instantly started panicking as people walked in trying to calm you. Jumping off furniture and people You eventually made your way on under the bed, growling and attacking anyone who came near. In another room Jesse was being interrogated.
"We're the hell is (Y/N)?" Jesse asked as he struggles to get out of the handcuffs that chained him to his hospital bed.
"Their in the hospital ward" Gabe said as he pulled up a file "Look, I came to an agreement with the UN".
"What agreement?"
"You come and work for Blackwatch and charges will be dropped" he said as he put a pice of paper in front of him.
"What if I don't?" Jesse asked.
"You go rot in a cell and (Y/N) goes into government care," Jesse stared at the papers Gabe pushed it closer "and we both don't want that to happen".
"I work for y'all and (Y/N) stay out the system?" He asked.
"Yes, you both would also get housing under overwatch" he tells him as he looked over the papers.
"Give me a pen" Jesse asked reluctantly. Once signed he was released from the handcuffs and brought to your room.
There he saw Moira, Angel, and Jack, all with shredded clothes and disgruntled figures.
"Kid still fighting?" He asked.
"Tried to get them out of the bed" Jack said as Angela treated his wounds.
Once the door open Jesse walked in headed straight to the bed. Bending down he saw you trembling and hiding in a corner, both your ears tucked back and tail wrapped around you.
"There's my rascal," he said soothingly as you slowly revealed your face "its ok, I've got everything sorted out".
You look back at the door and started growling after seeing Gabe. Jesse quickly got blocked him from your view.
"He's ain't gonna do nothin, He was just tryin to help" he motioned to the door "there gonna take us to where we're staying".
Moving back Jesse got on his knees, watched as you crawled out from the bed and jumped into his arms. You body started trembling as you silently cried.
"It's all good now," he said as he trying to calm you "ain't no one gonna hurt you".
Once he calmed you down he covered your face with his hat and brought you out the room. Hiding your face your wrapped your tail around his arm as Jack and Gabe lead you to a dormitory.
"Heres were you'll stay," Gabe said as Jesse looked around the room "overwatch offers a daycare service from-".
"I ain't putting (Y/N) in daycare" he tells them quickly.
"You have missions and training, who's gonna take care of them?" Jack asked.
"Bold of you to assume I didn't teach them to care for themself" retorted Jesse as you finally moved your head from the nape of his neck and looked around the room.
As he puts you down you looked up at him before he nudged you as if to say "go ahead". Exploring the room You didn't notice Jesse turn his back on you.
"Look, just let them do their thing and they'll be fine," he tells them as you tug on his pants "now if you don't mind we would like to get settled in".
Once the two left Jesse sat on one of the beds and sighed into his hands. Walking up to him you showed him one of the few toys provided. He removed his hands and looked at you before hugging you tightly.
"I'm so sorry".
The next day Jesse went of to training while you were left to explore the base. Deciding the best way to get a good view of everything was up high you made your way to the roof. Once there you were hit by a breeze.
'It frickin wimdy' you thought as you looked around.
Feeling the sun on your skin you decided to sun bath. Rolling over on the roof you stood there for hours before a shadow was cast upon you. Looking up you saw a robot before flailing around and puffing up your fur.
"You must be (Y/N)," the robot man asked as you tilt your head "I'm am Genji, your brothers coworker".
Still tilting your head you looked at him in confusion.
"I work with your brother"
Still confused.
You instantly de-puffed and before walking of to sun bath elsewhere. As he followed you to your new spot and watched as you rolled over. Genji watch for the shadows, seeing no point of your foolishness. Rolling over to him you yanked him down so he to could enjoy the sun. Staying there for an hour you heard your name being called, getting up and stretching you waved goodbye before you running off. The next day Genji found you in the same spot except you had been stalking a bird. Hiding behind a pillar he watched as you slowly stalked towards your prey before jumping, only to miss. Sniffing the air you ran to where genji was hiding only to find him gone. Looking over you thought you saw him again so running over you slowly peaked over the wall, your body quivered in excitement and your eyes dilated, ready to strike. Only to once again see him gone.
You jumped up before running away happily. Turning back you saw Genji. You played like that for hours until you finally fell asleep. When Genji heard your name he picked you up and brought you to Jesse.
"Thanks," Jesse said as he took you from Genji's arms "it's nice knowing they have a friend".
"Why are they like that?" He asked.
"Why are they so...nice?" Genji has seen the worst of the world but yet you were so... you.
"(Y/N) is just that kind of person" Jesse tells him.
A week later Jesse brought you to training since there was a storm outside. As he sat you down and told you not to move as training started you curled up and attempted to fall asleep. Until you heard yelling. Looking up you saw a robot  holding Jesse up in the air by his neck as Gabe yelled  to shut it down. It was hurting your big brother. You didn't like that. The next thing happening was the robot dropped Jesse and you were meowing in pissed off, clawing, and kicking at it. When you were thrown off it you slowly puffed up and growled at it as it was trying to process what was happening as it finally shut down.
"I'm fine (Y/N)" Jesse yells at you as you finally backed down. Baping the robot for good measures you walked away triumphantly.
"Such a spirit" a voice boomed as you jumped and ran to hide behind the closest person, which was Gabe.
"Reinhardt, please, you scared them," Ana tells him as you scurried of to Jesse "these must be the strays you brought back".
"There not strays" Gabe tells them.
"Oh hush, we all know you have a soft spot for children" she said poking his side.
"Yeah yeah, anyway this is Jesse and (Y/N), the Mccree siblings" Gabe tells her.
"And the rumors of the child?" Reinhart asked.
"We don't know how or why they are part cat" he tells them. You swat at Jesse as he messed with your ears.
"I'm more appalled that you hid these angels from us" Ana tell Gabe as Jesse blushed red "and I am sorry about having to tranquilize you (Y/N)".
You point a accusing finger at her then back at your neck where there was a bandage. She laughs before Reinhart buts in.
"Hello recruits, you may call me Reinhart" he says as you and Jesse look up at him.
You looked at Jesse then at Reinhardt then back to Jess. Taking out your journal you scribbled down "Why so tall?".
"He has crazy genetics" Gabe tells you.
As they all talked about training you merrped when saw someone around the corner. Jumping down from Jesse grasp you ran and hid behind the corner. When you peaked around you came face to face with a young girl. Moving back you ran to Jesse and hid behind him as the girl ran to Ana.
"Fareeha, what did I tell you about sneaking around," Ana says as the girl looked at you "oh, this is my daughter Fareeha".
"Hello" she says uncertainty as you stare her down.
You jump from Jesse and into a certain stance waiting for Fareeha's response.
"They want to play" Jesse tells her.
She copies your stance, causing you to jump and run away. You looked back as if to say "you coming?".
"Can I?" Fareehaasked her mother you nodded.
Running towards you you both commenced in a game of chase. Jesse laughs as you clime a wall to escape only to jump down and continue to run.
"How do such small bodies contain so much energy?" Reinhart asked as Fareeha and you were now playing catch.
Soon the day came to an end and you bid everyone farewell. Per usual you were nodding off, energy spent and ready for sleep.
"It's nice seeing them playing with another kids" Jesse said tells Gabe as he walked you both to your room.
"Don't they have friends or something ?" Gabe asked him.
"Call me over protective, but people would take (Y/N) knowing what they are," Jesse said as hugs you.
As the walked continued in silence Gabe spoke up.
"How did you meet (Y/N)?" He ask hoping he wasn't pushing anything.
"I was supposed doing a patrol of the gangs territory and found them sleeping in a box near the side of a road. I was 14 and they were 3. Found a note with there name and something else but it was messed up because of rain" he tells him.
"What was on the note?"
"I don't know. All that I could see was there name and the number 99" he tells Gabe as you start to twitch.
"99?," Gabe started to feel something was off "can I see that note?".
"Don't have it, left it there after I took (Y/N)" Jesse tells him.
A feeling was bubbling inside of Gabriel saying something wasn't right.
"Can you bring (Y/N) to the lab tomorrow?, I want Moira and Angela to check something out".
"Sure, but don't expect me to help draw blood or anything, I kinda need my hands for shooting" Jesse joked as he left Gabe to head to his dormitory.
Once dawn hit Jesse woke you up, which you were not happy about, to head to the lab. As you tiredly walk in you saw Moira and Angela, both preparing a variety of tests.
"Good morning Jesse, good morning (Y/N)" Angela said as you took out your journals and wrote "no good morning, want sleep".
"Don't we all" Moira tells you as she too was displeased of waking up so early.
"Okay we just need to swab you mouth then we can start the test" Angela tells you as Jesse left for training.
As Moira swabs your check she took notice of your teeth.
"Angela look at this," she says as she keeps your mouth open "look at her canines, most common house cats aren't as sharp as but notice how theirs are perfect for hunting. Also look at there ears, rounded instead of points".
"Your right, perhaps they are part wild cat?"
"Maybe... let me see the cheek swab" she tells her as she left you alone with Angela. While she takes your blood pressure you start to doze of until you landed on her arm. She felt horrible as she tried to wake you up.
"Angela look at... what's happening here?" Moria asks.
"They fell asleep on my arm and I don't have the heart to wake them up" Angela tells her pitifully as she pokes at you.
"Oh for.. (Y/N) look what I have" Moira said as she hands you stethoscope. You merrped before taking it and mess around with it.
As Moira left you to play with your new toy she pulls Angela to a table.
"So I was looking at the cells and look" she put a picture of your cells next to that of a panther "you see what I see".
"The cells are nearly identical".
As they discussed the options the test came back. As Angela read the report she quickly called Moira over.
"This cant be possible, the formula was destroyed"
"Well it seems like it's their"
"Lets run more test before we make any assumptions" Angela says as they turn to you as you were putting the stethoscope on and of your chest.
The more and more test they ran they the clearer the answer was.
"Please tell Commander Morrison and Reyes to come to lab 18" Angela tells Echo.
Once in the lab Angela and Moira handed the papers to them. Gabe reads the files then quickly turns to you as you played with a lab coat. He quickly ripped the papers and Jack soon follows.
"Who would do this to a kid?" Jack asks as you notice them.
You ran up to them and showed off the stethoscope, unaware of what was happening.
"We may be looking at the last person to use the SEP serum," Moira says as she sat down to stare at you as you bit your tail "but to be used on a child. Who ever did this must have combined there genetics with that of a panthers in order to strengthen their body".
"We keep this between us" Jack quickly tells them.
"But don't we have to-"
"No, we had a choice of joining the program, they didn't" Gabriel says as he motions to you.
As they talked you started scratching the door, wanting to be let out, board with all this talk. They all looked at you. A child who had no say of what had happened to you.
"No one mentions a word of this, especially to Mccree" Gabe tells them all.
"He's their brother, doesn't he deserve to know?" Angela asks as you perk up at your brothers name.
"If he new that (Y/N) was at risk here he would leave as quick as he came," Gabe said as he picks you up "We tell no one".
"Moira, lock up any files on this, from this moment on (Y/N) is just a random child who has been experimented on by a unknown organization," Jack tells them as he grabs when was left in the files and threw them in a incinerators.
As the they were all about to carry on with their day there was a knock on the door. Angela quickly turns the computer off as Jack and Gabe hid the rest of the lab test. Jesse and Genji walks in causing you jump out of Gabe's grasp and and run to Jesse, jumping up and down until he picked you up.
"So what's the diagnosis?" Jesse asks as you try to show him the stethoscope.
"We found out their genetics are mixed with a panthers" Angela tells him quickly.
"Well would you look at that, your gonna be a killer" Jesse joked as you put the stethoscope to his check.
Your innocence was so cute it was scary.
"There healthy, though I would recommend more proteins such as eggs and meats" Moira tells him, trying to make it seem that it had been a regular check up.
"Sounds easy enough, well thanks for everything" Jesse said as he puts in his signature smile on.
Is he sure you two aren't related?. How could you both have half of overwatch wrapped around your finger?. The protective charming older brother who dotes over his adorable younger sibling with a innocence so pure that is was down right scary. On the other hand you both could and would kill someone.
"Anyway it's time for supper so we'll see y'all tomorrow" he says as he and Genji leave for the cafeteria and you waved goodbye.
Weeks passed until Jesse was going on his first mission. You watched as he he checks his new uniform while you wondered why he was getting into a new uniform. As he got ready to leave you followed him all the way up to the launchpad were a plane was waiting. He stops you mid way.
"Your stayin here (Y/N)," he tells you as you looked at him confusingly "stay".
You remembered that word. He gave you one final pat on the head as he and the others got on the airship and left. You soon followed opting to wander, play with Fareeha, and other random things until dusk to which you went to the launch pad and saw no Jesse so you sat down and waited. As night finally came Jack was about to head off to his quarters when he saw you sitting on The launchpad. He was about to leave when he remembered that Gabe took Jesse on his first mission. The mission would last two days. Walking over to you he stood besides you as you struggled to stay awake.
"(Y/N), their not going to be back for a while" he tells you as you pulled out your journal.
'Jesse told me to stay" you wrote down.
"Yes, but he meant stay on base not on the launchpad".
You stopped before writing.
'I'm scared he won't come back'
"Trust me, he'll be back"
Getting up and stretching you made your way of the pad with your ears and tail down sorrowfully. Jack follows you as you walked into a wall. How long have you been awake?. He grabs you stopping you from walking into another wall.
"Come on" he says as he leads you to your room. In the room he helped you change into pajamas and lay you down in bed as he tucked you in.
Rolling into a little blanket burrito you fell soundly asleep. Jack left and heads to his own room. The next day you woke up and saw no Jesse so changing out of your pajamas you ran to the launchpad but saw no ships. Jack was on his way to train recruits but instead saw you sitting on the launchpad once again. Sighing he walked up to you.
"Their not coming back until tomorrow" he tell you again.
You ears and tail dropped once you got aware of the news. Getting up you walked off, ready to go wallow in a box or something but Jack stopped you.
"How about you come stay with me until Jesse comes back?" He asked, offering a hand out to you. You take his hand and followed him around that day. He brought you around the base checking on things here and there until you both ended up in the main hall. People greeted you as you followed Jack.
He then brought you to training we're you were greeted by recruits who were waiting to start. As Jack started training you made your way into a box were you settled down to nap. After awhile you felt the box moving so you peaked your head out to see what was happening only to see a recruit dragging the box. You starred at them and they starred at you as you refused to get out the box.
"Umm, sir?, what do I do about...this?" The recruit asked as you dug your claws into the box.
"Go and get another one" he says as he takes the box you were in and places it on the ground.
You made a little merp as you wondered what was happening. You saw many recruits bringing the boxes out side so you you followed with your only to see each recruit opening their box to reveal different types of paintball guns along with a colored bandanna. Red and blue to be more precise. 
"You will all form groups with your corresponding color to go through the maze," Jack tells them as he holds up a flag "this will be a simple game of capture the flag with three flags at separate post, but if you loss all your flag your out".
As everyone grouped up you saw that the box you laid in had a blue bandana in it so you ran to the blue team with a little fishing rode you found in the box. All theses talk people stared at you as you waited excitedly, guessing that Jack put you there for some reason, when in reality Jack just assumed  you were still in the box.
"Go to your designated post and from there you have a minute to get ready" Jack says as everyone run through the Maze.
Following behind one of the recruits you finally made it to a post with the others.
"What do we do with the kid?"
"Maybe it's part of training, protect the civilian while finishing the mission?"
"Well I'm not baby sitting"
As they bantered you you stopped moving after a butterfly landed on your head. They all stared, unsure about what to do.
"So does anyone have any ideas?"
As they talked you looked at one of the maze walls before stalking over. Jumping around you saw one of the red teams members. They tried shoeing you away but were captured as soon as they nudged you with there shoe.
As they interrogated the red team member you went off, causing the other members of the blue team to panic once they noticed.
As you wondered about you saw one of the red teams flag. Climbing up a wall you also grabbed a rock and threw across the maze. When the red team members left you grabbed the flag and ran off. When the got back you watched as they scrabble to find the other red team. Chuckling you grabbed your flag and headed to the next red team fighting some blue teams so while they were both distracted you use you fishing pole, hooking the flag on the hook and quickly make your way away from the battle. Finally at the final flag you saw it was heavily guarded walking behind a wall you walk to across the walls and to the one closest to the flag.
"Hey, do you see that?" One of the assistant asked as the flag was hooked onto the fishing hook and yanked of the pole. As the red team attempt to catch the flag they shoot at you as you made your way across the top of the maze. Once at the blue teams final flag a buzzer went of signaling the end of training. As everyone left the maze Jack stood at the entrance.
Happily running up you handed him the flags.
"Good job?" Even he was confused as to how you beat a group of trained soldiers.
For the rest of the day you messes with the fishing pool and followed Jack around until you passed out from exhaustion.
You curled up in his lap and purred contently. Jack was fine with this but it also made him realize something. What happened to your parents?. Where did you come from?. And most importantly, how were you injected with the SEP serum?.  He needed to look into it.
The next day you ran the the landing pad as soon as you heard a ship coming and tackled Jesse as soon as you saw him.
"There's my rascal" he says tiredly.
You purred as you hugged him tightly. As he carried you back to the room he noticed you fishing pole.
"Where did you get that?" He asks you.
'I got it from Jack' you wrote as you.
"That was nice of him" he says walking out from the launch pad and to your room.
The next day you were wondering around when you felt something weird. Looking around you saw a cat. You both starred at each other before you started talking.
(Italics are you and cat talking but it's a butch of meowing)
"Hello little one, where is your mother?"
"Yes your mother, We're is she?"
"I have a brother no mother?"
Off to the side some agents stopped and watched you both talk, some could not help but aww at the cuteness of the mewing and chirps. Soon Jack and Gabe came to watch.
"Well That's sounds lovely, I remember my own kittens, always playing and fighting like there was no tomorrow"
"Me and my brother play, sometime we go to the park but I wear a hat to hide my ears"
"Well That sounds like no fun"
"Nah but it fun playing on the playground"
"It's nice knowing your litter mates watch out for one other"
"Yeah, though sometimes he does weird things like makes goggly eyes at my robot friend Genji" you tell her.
As you both chattered away the old cats owner came and awe's at her old cat talking with you.
"She used to talk all the time to her kittens," he says as you talk to the cat "older cats usually meow at there kittens or kittens meow at there parents or siblings"
This got Jack and Gabe thinking. Meowing at there siblings and parents. This got Jack blushing bright red with Gabes blush more hidden. They remembered you meowing at them and they just went along with it.You thought they were your parents.
Once the older cat left with her owner you excitedly write down your day to Jesse at dinner.
'And the cat said that was like her kittens because they always play with there siblings like me and you' you wrote happily as you ate.
"Sounds nice kiddo" he tells you.
'And she says I can land on my feet's if I fall down'
"Let's not rest that theory"
Jack and Gabe watched from the sidelines. There was a tense feeling between them both as they watched you and Jesse
Laugh. Both wondering if having a family was a distant dream or a reality. You sniffed the air and ran to them to also tell them about your day.
"Hey kid" Gabe said as you mewed happily.
"Afternoon boss"
Throughout your time at overwatch and Blackwatch you learned many valuable lessons until it was all ripped away.
You stood besides Jesse as you both looked at the graves of your two fallen commanders... no... fathers. You both remained long after the funeral was over. You were older now. You understood that they weren't coming back. Fareeha stood by your side before leaving to go to a military program in Egypt. Now it was just you and Jesse.
"Those bastards... dying like they don't have people to come back to" Jesse said angrily as tears streamed down his cheeks.
You tugged on his sleeve, like you used to do when you were younger, it order to get his attention. Turning to you he saw you were crying just as much if not harder than him. Grabbing your hand you both walked off and to a car. Both heading to a airport and away from the pain.
8 years passed and you managed to settle down. Jesse became a bounty hunter and visited your home from time to time.
Always bring gifts for you.
"Mornin (Y/N)" one of the kids said as they made they're way down to town for school.
You waved at them as they stopped.
"Out ma want to know if you wanted to trade some veggies for some bread and cookies?"
You nodded as you opened your journal.
'Tell her to stop by tomorrow and I'll trade for a loaf of whole wheat and some chocolate chip cookies'.
"Okay we will, have a nice day" they said as they continued their to town.
Once inside you got a call from Jesse. Telling you to be on guard and watch out because someone was targeting overwatch agents.
That night as you ate dinner you heard a a startling noise from the garden. You go to the back of the house to look for anything but find it eerily quite. Sniffing the air you froze as you came across a familiar scent. Jumping around you came face to face with a masked man. You wanted to believe it was wrong but with super human scent you knew it wasn't.
After the fall you tried so hard to learn.
You attended lessons and everything but you could only say so much.
The figure dissolved into smoke but you you followed. Once the figure reformed you tackled them. Pinning the man down tears fell down as you once against said his name even if it hurts. As you ripped of his mask your ears fell back as you too took a step back and stared the man down in horror. He was scared and broken.
"GaBe alIvE?"
You knew it was him, how could you forget the man who saved you?.
"Get off kid" he says as you refuse to moved.
"nO, hURt"
"Get of-"
Crying now you shook with fear but were not gonna let him leave. Not again.
Finally getting off him the first thing you did was hug him. You purred happily.
You brought him back to your house and help patched him up before finally settling down.
'How?' You wrote.
"I was part of a experiment that kept me alive during the explosion"
'Why come here?'.
"Talon wants you dead," Gabriel tells you as your ears fall back "we were supposed to go after ex agents, you were never a member of overwatch. That made me realize, they were just going after anyone who has connections to overwatch".
'So why here?'.
"Talon knows where you live"
Your ears fell back.
"We need to get you far away from here," he said getting up from the table "you have anywhere we could go?".
You stopped before opening a letter from Winston. It was for the recall. Sliding it over you let him read it over.
"You know this is a bad idea"
You shrugged your shoulders and wrote down 'you got any other ideas?'.
"You think they'll just let me back In after everything I've done?"
'Knowing them, Yes'
"And what about your brother?"
'He'll be happy your not dead'.
You but both sat in silence before you got up and pulled out a bag from the closet. It contains clothes, money, and documents. You wrote a letter asking the boys mother to please take whatever she wants from the garden.
You nodded to the car in the drive way. Locking up your house you ran and started up the car.
Driving away from you house you know began the journey of trying to figure out how to keep Gabriel out of jail while also becoming a official member of overwatch.
This was gonna be interesting.
Sorry for taking forever to post but school has been a pain with the pandemic. I will start taking requests during summer vacation when I have more free time. Hope you liked this fanfic.

? x young Reader ONE-SHOTS PART 2Where stories live. Discover now