𝙲𝙷. 𝟺𝟷 ☯︎︎ 𝙲𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚢 𝙳𝚘𝚎𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝙰𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝙺𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙲𝚊𝚝

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♊︎Year 5067, Month 8, Day 7, Time 10:02 pm♊︎


Tap. tap. tap.

Playing with the pen in his hand, San's leg bounces up and down nervously where he sits on the chair, biting his lip ring.

Tap. tap. tap.

The music playing on the small radio in the room, owned by Wooyoung, begins to irritate San who's currently mulling over his recent trip to Butterfly Cafe with Kurenai.

Tap. tap. tap.

There's a faint aching in his chest that becomes stronger when he thinks about his relationship with Kurenai and how she denied their past so quickly, crushing his hope that he'd get a second chance.

Tap. tap. tap.   Tap. tap. tap.

He suddenly shoots up from the chair, slamming the pen down on the desk and walking over to the door, startling his blond friend with the sudden action.

Wooyoung watches as the mulleted man walks back and forth from the door to the desk as if contemplating whether to leave or stay. He watches San do this a couple more times before getting tired of watching him pace the room.

"Is there something wrong?" Stopping his pacing for a brief moment, San snaps his head toward his best friend who's watching him from the floor in front of his bed, reading a magazine.

"N-No, nothing is wrong," San replies quickly, going back to pacing. Pursing his lips, wooyoung turns off the music. He's had enough of his friend's anxiety.

"Stop lying, idiot. I can tell something's bothering you, so either you tell me what's going on, or I'll make you tell me." The blonde man sets the magazine aside to cross his arms challengingly, meeting the narrow stare of the mulleted man.

After a moment of thought, with fists clenched and jaw tensed, San finally decides to tell him.

"I'm worried."

"Okay... that's obvious." Wooyoung deadpans. "What exactly are you worried about?" San curls and uncurls his fingers.

"Kurenai." There's a moment of silence between the two when Wooyoung finally decides to get up off the floor, walking over to San and sitting on the desk next to where he's standing.

"Is it because of your memories?" Currently, Wooyoung was the only other person besides Kurenai, Seonghwa, and San to know about San and Kurenai's connection. All thanks to San and his inability to keep things to himself.

San sighs. "No, not that. It's— I don't know. Remember how I told you about recovering my missing memories?" The other man hums along, listening intently to his friend's current dilemma. "Turns out all of the memories I was missing were memories I shared with her from when I first met her to when I... tricked her into killing me—."

"And there you go again with your crazy ass story! San, we talked about this already and we decided that there's no way you could've been magically killed and revived."

"But I was!" San counters frustrated that his best friend isn't listening to him. "I saw the evidence with my own eyes that day I stopped by the cafeteria with Kurenai and even she saw it!" Wooyoung rubs his temples with a tired sigh.

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