Chapter 11: Change of Rules

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*Moments later*

-Johnny's POV-

When I got home, I called Ten and told him everything that happened with Won Jongyul. So, both of us planned something for his upcoming arrival in Seoul. I was happy that he was coming over; both of us empathize with the idea of ending the tedious circle of our past. So, we have plenty of things to talk about when he arrives. I also mentioned to my friend that I fought with Jaehyun over the investigation against Won Jongyul and Sehun. Ten said that he saw that coming but told me to stay steady, and I shouldn't endure any hate towards Jaehyun. I thanked him for his wise words, and after that, we talked about his life and what we want to do when he comes.

I had a pleasant talk with my long-time friend; however, after our call ended, I took care of myself. I cleaned my wounds, put on ointment, and took a shower. Some of the hits will turn into bruises, and the healing process won't be fast; however, I didn't mind suffering from a little pain.

Currently, I'm drying my hair while going out of the bathroom, the steam releasing from it. I played some classical music, attempting to relax and focus on the last things I need to check from the company. I placed the towel on top of the barstool, and then I sat on the other one next to it. Briefly, I stared at my laptop, reviewing the emails I had received throughout the day. I began to answer some of them while checking the work my team has done so far. But before I could continue, I heard the sound of keys.

I turned around, and to my surprise, Jaehyun was entering the apartment. He closed the door behind him before noticing my stares at him, making me see the tired look on his face and some marks on his neck.

-Are you okay? – I asked while looking at my lover.

-Tough day; nothing new to talk about, John. – Jaehyun spoke while scratching his head. -I'm going to take a shower. – He walked away from me, but I followed him.

I took Jaehyun's hand from behind, making him turn around and giving a better view of his neck.

-Johnny! – Jaehyun exclaimed while looking at me, confused. -What are you doing? – He asked.

-What happened to your neck? – I asked.

-Another gift from the cases; nothing you don't know of, John. – Jaehyun assured as I kept checking the mark on his neck.

-Someone strangled you. – I murmured, making Jaehyun look away. -What did you do? – I questioned.

-My job. – Jaehyun answered while looking away.

-Jung Jaehyun. – I spoke sternly.

-We got another Won Jongyul's group down. – Jaehyun mentioned, almost like a murmur.

Hate Me: Sudden Changes || JOHNJAE (S1)Where stories live. Discover now