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The eighth book of the collection, completed.

Hello, readers. My name is Jian W. Lucas, and I'm here to say goodbye to this book. It is the eighth book of the collection to finish, which makes me feel slightly sad; after all, I honestly loved this storyline. However, bigger things are coming for this title; another season will arrive. Before saying my feelings concerning the book, I need to inform you when the subsequent title will start. The readers that had been longer following my account might know how I work; therefore, there isn't much to explain. Yet, for the new ones, I will describe my working logic.

Usually, I write more than 15 books per year. It consumes a lot of time, and I'm still a student. So, homework and projects still are relevant for me. It takes me a year to finish due to the number of books I make. Therefore, it is most likely to resume LOVE & DEVOTION SERIES with new stories, including the sequel to "Hate Me" after completing the upcoming collections.

With the explanation out of the way, I would like to share my experience writing this book. I had a fun time writing new things, and it made me appreciate other genres a lot more than I used to do before. It makes me sad to end it here; however, I have other books to finish, and the next season will be astounding; I can feel it. This book is part of the LOVE & DEVOTION SERIES, which I define as a group of stories that, its essence, relies on the fondness someone can have on another person. It is another experiment I decided to make in this collection since I wanted to see the readers' attention towards this idea. Hopefully, you cherish this series that will have multiple stories about NCT "ships" or CPS. I also wish to clarify that all my works are fanfictions; therefore, everything comes from my imagination. I write with absolute respect to all artists, and this is my way to showcase the bond between the members of NCT. Honestly, I get inspired by how they communicate with each other and their different friendships inside the group.

To wrap my greetings, I would like to thank everybody who read the book. Hopefully, you wait patiently and look forward to the following season.


Arriving in 2022. "Hate Me: Come Through."

Hate Me: Sudden Changes || JOHNJAE (S1)Where stories live. Discover now