Chapter 16: Unpredicted Meeting

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*Next morning*

-Jaehyun's POV-

Johnny left some moments ago; he went to his company first before filling up my space inside the team and today's mission. Yesterday, even though I enjoyed our talking session, I knew some things have to change. It doesn't feel right when I break down; after all, I'm not used to it at all. However, I also want to show Johnny that I care about our relationship and his health. Despite the history we have, I still consider him as someone I need in my life. He's that piece that makes me stay focused when things get complicated; I guess that's how I got out of the army without giving up at any point.

I dressed up for the day with a basic outfit.  I'm staying at Johnny's apartment for today, so I don't have to wear something too fancy or elegant. Yet, I still want to work on the remains of my sister's case. There's something that bothers me, the connection between Jongyul and my sister. Right now, it doesn't make sense to me, and that's why I want to keep investigating. However, before I do anything else about it, I decided to call Taeyong. Today, Johnny will join the team to clean another warehouse. And even though my boyfriend is very skillful with the gun, I want to keep a close eye on his actions.

-Do you have everything ready for today? – I asked while looking at the city through the room's picture window.

-Yes. The team is gathering the rest of the officers, and the girls are coming soon as well. But are you sure that you want Mr. Suh to be part of this? – Taeyong questioned, concerned.

I sighed before placing my hand on my hip. -Yes. Listen, keep an eye on Johnny. He can be reckless when he acts by himself, so try to keep him under control. – I told Taeyong.

-You are telling me that he's like you, huh? Alright, got it! – Taeyong teased, causing me to roll my eyes at his comment.

-Sure, whatever. But honestly, Mr. CEO takes this situation as I do, so he can behave worse than I do. – I warned my partner.

-Alright. I will handle everything, but you have to rest and take care. Okay? – Taeyong told me.

I slightly chuckled. -Yes, yes, don't worry about me. I will return to my place tomorrow, and I might get my house back as well. – I disclosed while going out of the bedroom.

-It seems that you are happy about it, Jaehyun. – Taeyong pointed out.

-Of course, I am! I miss my privacy. – I joked as we chuckled at my words.

-I'm glad for you. Oh! When you return home, we can go to pick your new furniture. – Taeyong suggested.

-Deal. Well, I'll let you work, but tell me if anything happens. – I told Taeyong.

-Sure! Take care, Jaehyun. – Taeyong spoke before ending the call.

I took a deep breath before sitting on the living area's couch. Then, I opened my laptop and started to look at the files inside my sister's pen drive. I'm searching for any information that could be helpful or that gives me a hint of her connection with Jongyul. But before I could continue, I heard keys and then the door opening. Immediately, I stood up and took the gun underneath the coffee table. Without hesitation, I pointed at the entrance while thinking of the unknown person inside the apartment.

Johnny wouldn't return so early; he left a few hours ago, and he needs to go to the headquarters.

Gently, I tightened my grip on the gun, waiting for the person to appear in front of me.  Suddenly, I saw someone approaching my way, and then it crossed the wall. I saw the guy in front of me, trying to remember where I saw his face before. He's also holding his gun high, pointing right at me.

-Are you here to help Mr. Suh? – I sternly asked.

-You tell me first. – The guy answered.

Briefly, I pulled out my badge while keeping my gun in place and my eyes on the man.

-I'm detective Jung from KNP, so you better start talking if you don't want problems. – I firmly spoke, making the guy withdraw his gun. He immediately smiled at me and bowed politely.

-Jaehyun!  It's me, Ten! – He said while looking at me.

-Ten. – I murmured while placing my badge away, but I didn't put my guard down. -Are you here to help Johnny? Or are you going to betray him like Hak Sehun? – I questioned.

-That guy isn't worth talking about, Jaehyun. And, of course, I came to help Johnny. – Ten said before taking a deep breath. -Can you put the gun down? I'm not your enemy, and why would I turn against the detective that helped me to escape when I was younger? – Ten pointed out, which I nodded for in response.

I withdraw the gun before bowing at Ten. Briefly, Ten came over to greet me kindly.

-Why are you here? I thought you worked all day. – Ten questioned as we sat down together.

-Yesterday, I got severely injured after cleaning one of Jongyul's warehouses. Right now, I live with Johnny since a shooting happened at my house. So, he immediately noticed my wounds and told me to rest for the day; he's covering me for the following warehouse clearance. – I explained before placing the gun on the coffee table.

-Wow! I go for some years, and when I come back, everything is a mess. – Ten pointed out, causing me to chuckle.

-Pretty much, but at least Hak Sehun is in jail, and we are getting closer to put Jongyul in the same place. – I disclosed, which Ten nodded for in response.

-Yes. When Johnny told me the progress KNP made, I couldn't believe it. – Ten admitted before resting his back against the couch. -Now, I realize why Johnny wants to start the plan against Jongyul so fast. – Ten disclosed, making me look back at him.

-Have you talked about that? – I curiously questioned.

-Oh, yes! All the time. Johnny and I want to take revenge for the friends we lost because of Jongyul. However, his hatred grew more after knowing that Hak Sehun worked with him. – Ten explained, making me think about the last things that happened with Johnny.

-Even though Hak Sehun is paying for his crimes, there still are several things to discover. – I thoughtfully said.

-You are referring to your sister. Right, Jaehyun? – Ten asked.

-Yes. – I answered before showing Ten the laptop with the pen drive's files. -All of the data got recollected by my sister. But I don't know how she had access to so many details. – I admitted as Ten continued to look through the files.

-Johnny hasn't spoken with you about this? – Ten questioned, making me look at him, confused.

-What do you mean? Is he hiding something else? – I asked.

-Listen, I notice that Johnny is feeling happier when he's with you. So, you two need to talk about this; however, I can tell you what I know about your sister. – Ten assured me, looking slightly worried.

-Go ahead. – I said without hesitating.

Johnny always knew my sister's identity and her connection with Jongyul. But he hid it away and depending on what the secrecy is. I will have to make serious decisions. Now, do I let him go and hate him for hiding something so important? Or should I act as nothing happened and hate him in silence?

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