Chapter 23: Abrupt Decisions

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*Moments later*

-Jaehyun's POV-

I'm back at the headquarters after a wicked time at night. I didn't think I could, but I got drunk at midnight. It wasn't the first time that happened; however, it's been so long since I last did it. Johnny's words truthfully hurt me in the end, and even now, I keep having them inside my head. Yet, today KNP has a new case, and it's time to work and bring justice to the city.

Currently, I'm waiting for Yuta alongside my teammates. He went somewhere this morning, according to Taeyong; however, he didn't say where or what he would do. While waiting around the round table, we heard the door opening, and immediately Yuta appeared through the entrance.

-You are late. – I sternly mentioned.

-Sorry! I had to take care of something, Jaehyun. – Yuta said before joining the team.

-Where did you go? – Camile curiously asked.

-I went to see Mr. Suh. – Yuta revealed, causing me to look at him, confused.

-Why did you go? – I asked while looking at Yuta earnestly.

-Mr. Suh and his friend helped us with the previous case, so I wanted to thank them. – Yuta explained before taking a deep breath. -Let's see the case; I'm already here. – Yuta said, wanting to change the subject.

-Oh, yes! – Jeno agreed before the team looked at me.

I know there's another reason why Yuta visited Johnny. But what is it?

-Captain? – Lisa called, causing me to focus on the current situation.

-Yes. Sorry. – I said before clearing my throat. -This early morning, a person was found close to the river. Someone attempted to drown the victim, but we don't have any clue of the culprit. – I explained before showing the pictures of today's scene through the room's projector.

-We have witnesses. Two residents from the nearest households saw the attempt. They described the culprit. A male from 26 years old or more has black hair and wore a brown jacket when the attack happened. – Taeyong disclosed.

-Right now, we have to find the reason behind this situation and talk with the victim to know what specifically happened. – I told everyone before giving their tasks to everybody. I want this case to end before dawn; therefore, I told my team to work without mistakes to move smoother. The members seemed to agree with my instructions, and they immediately got out of the room to start. However, when Yuta was about to walk out, I held his arm and pulled him back.

-Captain? – Yuta looked at me, slightly unsettled.

-Yuta, what happened with Johnny? Why did you go there? – I sternly asked.

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