Chapter 19: Lonely Road

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*Later that day*

-Jaehyun's POV-

I got back to my house after confronting Johnny. Fortunately, the place looks neat, and the repairs seem to blend in with the structure smoothly. After getting inside, I checked the perimeter until it appeared to be a safe place. Once I got everything settled in, I organized the stuff I brought from Johnny's apartment and then made myself a cup of coffee. Tonight, I want to work on my sister's case to close it, show it to the president and leave this situation behind. The day became night as soon as I centered on my work. Later, the rain appeared to be my companion. Honestly, I felt this day was one of the worst ones regardless of the closure of an investigation that tortured me for almost two years.

Currently, I'm placing the papers in order inside a folder. Briefly, I put them inside the binder before looking at the pen drive that Ten gave me earlier this day.

I only need two more to discover all of Jongyul's retailers, and then, I'll get to capture them.

I'm critically thinking about Ten's suggestion regarding the retailers and keeping in mind the people he mentioned in our previous conversation. Yet, whenever I recall it, Johnny appears inside my head, haunting me with the last expression on his face before I left.

-You have to get him out of your head, Jaehyun. – I murmured before standing up from the couch, briefly walking out of the living area.

I'm holding my cup of coffee while wandering around the house, trying to think of something else than Johnny. Despite my work and background, I still have one thing that makes me bend and break sometimes, and his name is Johnny. The weakness that shows off from my personality has to do with my loved ones, and it hurts me whenever someone I care about is at risk; however, Johnny is the only exception. He has a background where weapons and danger weren't unusual to see almost every day; Johnny has skills no one else does, so he is very capable of protecting himself. And after meeting him again, I never doubted his capabilities nor strength.

As I continued to think about Johnny, I got inside my room, placed the coffee on the bedside table, and laid down on the bed. I turned around before looking at the space beside me, causing me to sigh at the sudden remembrance inside my head. I focused on that thought, though. It made me extend my hand and touch the bed's side that belongs to Johnny. My tears didn't hesitate to drop as subtle sobs escaped my mouth.

-Why did you lie to me? Why couldn't you tell me about my sister before Ten did? I thought soulmates were supposed to trust each other, Johnny. – I stuttered before closing my eyes, cuddling against the pillows while picturing Johnny inside my head.

-I still love you, but I hate when you make excuses to get out of your problems. I can't tolerate your behavior anymore, Johnny. I'm not weak; I know when I have to keep my composure, but it seems you never understood that part. – I murmured before closing my eyes, letting my tears fall as I try to calm down.

[One year ago]

I came to J's Corporation with Taeyong after discovering the peculiar connection between Jongyul's dead man and Hak Sehun. Despite the bond between the CEO and me, I didn't stop my investigation against Hak Sehun, the vice-president of this agency and Mr. Suh's best friend. I realize I'm playing with fire right now, but there isn't anything else I can do to continue my sister's case.

Right now, I'm waiting outside Hak Sehun's office since Taeyong is speaking with the suspect. We can't ask him everything we need in this place, so I want him to come with us to the headquarters. As I continue staying steady, I noticed Mr. Suh coming my way, causing me to feel slightly unsettled. He doesn't look happy about the current situation, and I understand why; after all, he already told me to leave Hak Sehun alone.

-Detective Jung. I thought I made myself clear the last time you came, but it seems you are still a stubborn man like in the old times. – Johnny sternly spoke, making me scoff slightly.

-I'm only doing my job, Mr. Suh. – I claimed before taking a deep breath, feeling slightly awkward to see him again. -My partner and I arrived half an hour ago. So, it's hard to believe you didn't acknowledge my presence before. – I pointed out, which Johnny nodded for in response.

-I knew about your visit since you arrived, but I barely got out of a meeting. – Johnny explained before stroking his hair back. I stared at him, knowing there's something he wants to say.

-I can interrogate you inside your office, Mr. Suh. – I said, knowing that Johnny wants to talk privately.

Johnny merely nodded at my words before we walked towards his office. Through our way there, his expression didn't change, and it seems like something is bothering him more than I suspected. After a few more steps, we got inside his office. He closed the door and put the blinders on the windows before looking at me. Johnny didn't hesitate to walk forward and hug me tightly against him.

-What's the matter? – I asked, confused. Then shortly, caressing Johnny's hair while looking at him.

-I missed you. – Johnny murmured.

-I missed you too. – I spoke before taking a deep breath, knowing what Johnny wanted to get from this encounter.

-I know you only come because of the investigation, but I can't miss this opportunity to see you. – Johnny mentioned as I continued to caress the back of his head.

-Johnny, when are you going to leave your feelings aside? I already told you; I can't continue doing this, toying with you. – I honestly spoke before Johnny got apart from me. He looked into my eyes before holding my cheek, gently caressing it with his thumb. -Johnny, stop it here. Don't you realize the damage you are causing? – I whispered, concerned.

-You feel something too, Jaehyun. But you never want to admit it, but why's that? I already forgave you for going to the army without letting me know, and I was honest when I declared my fondness for you. – Johnny mentioned, which I nodded for in response, knowing that everything he's saying is true. -And you accepted my feelings, don't you remember? – Johnny questioned.

-Yes, I do, Johnny. I remember it all, but I still don't want to hurt you more. We barely see each other since we agreed on staying away from one another until my investigation ends. – I pointed out before placing my head against Johnny's.

Johnny shook his head before looking at my lips, briefly caressing them with his thumb. Gradually, he began to get closer until our lips met. Our desires immediately showed off. Johnny started to hold me tight against him as I gave him complete control over the situation. We continued to kiss each other as we ran out of breath, but suddenly, he stopped and moved away. I stared at him, confused before Johnny started to embrace me.

He's getting attached to me again, but honestly, I'm doing the same thing with him. But I have to finish this investigation before making our relationship official; after all, I don't want the case to get in our way since it has to do with Johnny's past and how we met.

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