Chapter 17: The Missing Pieces

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-Jaehyun's POV-

I'm staring at Ten, waiting for him to say something about my sister and the hidden knowledge Johhny had about her identity. But before he spoke, Ten checked my computer and started to review some files inside the archives of the pen drive. Briefly, he opened a document that has some charts and various shipping entrances.

-These routes are the ones Jongyul usually uses. From what I acknowledge, he hasn't changed these shipping points. – Ten explained before showing me various pictures of the place. -Can you deduce why your sister has access to these pictures? Or can you guess how she got such close shots of the area? – Ten questioned, causing me to think for a moment. Briefly, getting the answer inside my head, still not believing what I discovered.

-Leyla knew Jongyul. – I spoke, which Ten nodded for in response.

-They not only knew each other; Jongyul trusted your sister with almost everything inside his business. So, it's most likely that due to the bond Jongyul had with your sister. He asked Hak Sehun to kill her for him after discovering her betrayal. – Ten explained, which left me thinking about the other things that I acknowledge until now.

Jongyul risked his business by letting Leyla know about every movement he made. But what if it wasn't the first time he got betrayed? Perhaps that's why he asked Hak Sehun to kill her because he already experienced something similar.

-Ten, do you remember if someone else was close to Jongyul like my sister? – I asked while looking at him.

-Yes. Jongyul has several right hands, and most of them take care of the most troublesome part of his plans. – Ten disclosed before taking out his phone, he unlocked and searched for some photos. Briefly, he showed me the screen. -This guy is Conn Levi, and the other one is Nam Jung. One of them works for Jongyul, and the other one doesn't; however, both have the pen drives Hak Sehun gifted his close friends. As far as I'm aware, you have three pen drives, Jaehyun. – Ten spoke before glancing at me.

-Yes. We have three under custody, including Johnny's. My team checked the pen drives and discovered some parts of the code. – I spoke before closing the opened windows on the computer, then showing Ten a document that holds Leyla's note regarding her investigation. -According to my sister, there's a code that has access to every retailer Jongyul has in Asia. – I explained as Ten looked at the computer screen.

-That's why Jongyul wants all the pen drives, including the one Johnny has. – Ten said.

-Johnny has two pen drives. Hak Sehun gifted him one, and the other is from the information you stole. – I pointed out before taking a deep breath. Ten looked at me, slightly concerned. -Does Johnny know all of this? – I questioned, feeling disappointed.

-It's hard to say it, but yes, he knew everything. – Ten said before patting my back. -Jaehyun, I understand that your bond with Johnny is different now that you got together again. However, now that you know all of this, I hope you can forgive him at some point. – Ten kindly said, realizing that I might take my distance after this situation.

-You still have to take care of your vengeance. So, I won't distract Johnny from his objective. But after everything ends, I will back away for some time. – I spoke, which Ten nodded for in response. Then, I sighed and looked back at him. -Is there anything else I need to know? – I asked.

-Only one. Nam Jung still has the keychain, as far as I'm aware. So, after clearing Jongyul's warehouse, I suggest you keep this man on your radar. – Ten disclosed, which I hummed in understanding, then slightly smiling at him.

-Thank you for coming by and helping. – I sincerely said.

-It's always a pleasure to work with you, detective. But now, I want to know what you feel after everything that we discussed. I'm still Johnny's friend, so I want to prepare for the possible difficult days for him. – Ten said, referring to the time I'll be away from Johnny.

-You'll see, I gave Johnny several opportunities to tell me the truth about Leyla's case, but he never revealed anything to me. So, it hurts that your lifetime confidant can't trust you as it should be. And the worst part is that I don't know if I can't blame him. – I disclosed while feeling emotional but trying to show an earnest expression on my face.

-I warned Johnny that keeping this information away from you was the wrong way to go. But he didn't listen; I guess he thought this method was the best one to protect you. – Ten said before taking a keychain out of his pocket, briefly giving it to me. I stared at Ten, confused, but he only released a subtle smile. -Hak Sehun gave one to me when I was in Thailand. He came to visit my home since he wanted me to come back and stay beside Johnny. I guess that's the only good thing he has ever done. Now, you got four pen drives, and two are left to find, detective. – Ten told me while holding my closed hand. Then, he moved it away and let me see the keychain on my palm.

-Honestly, this case has more cracks and secrets than I expected. But I guess that everything comes to an end at some point. – I thoughtfully said while looking at the keychain.

-Not everything has to end, Jaehyun. – Ten said while holding my shoulder.

-Do you think so? I'm not so sure about that anymore, Ten. I always wanted a soulmate I could trust, but perhaps we weren't meant to be as I thought. – I sighed, feeling my heart beating lower while hurting.

-I'm sorry that I had to be the one to tell you all of this. But I know that Johnny wouldn't have done it himself. – Ten admitted, which I nodded for in response. -However, you have to talk with him one last time before parting ways for some time. – Ten told me.

-It won't go well; do you know that? – I questioned while glancing at Ten.

-I'm aware, but I believe that letting everything out in the last fight might be the right thing. And when both of you feel that is the right time to get back together, you won't have to talk about the matter again. – Ten disclosed, which I nodded for in response, agreeing with Ten's words.

-How are you so sure that I'll come back? – I asked, making Ten chuckle slightly.

-Jaehyun, come on! You and I know that none of you can't live without each other. – Ten elbowed my side, making me slightly grin.

-It will take time to get back with Johnny, though. And my distance also depends on how he's going to defend himself when I confront him. – I admitted before shaking my head slightly, trying to keep my emotions in place.

-I know it's hard; you don't have to hold it in, Jaehyun. – Ten sincerely said before smiling at me.

-It's okay. I have to endure as much as possible before meeting with Johnny again. – I spoke.

And for the last time.

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