Chapter 2: Unknown Temptations

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-Johnny's POV-

I arrived at my apartment, feeling exhausted. I took a cold shower before putting my sleepwear on. I prepared a warm tea before sitting in the living area with some papers I took out of the office. I started to check them out, but I couldn't focus at all. That detective got stuck in my head after the moment he mentioned the reason he wanted to talk with Sehun.

I know Jung Jaehyun because we used to have friends in common. We did exchange numbers, talked a lot about us, and got to know each other pretty well. But after that, he went to the military and became a good soldier. And that was the end of our friendship. Last year he came to my agency for the first time; I got upset because he treated me like everyone else, a single stranger. I feel sorry for not letting him ask Sehun those questions back then, but even if I let him, Sehun wasn't at his office that day.

*Current time – 9:20 p.m.*

As I'm thinking about him and the past, I took my cup of tea and drank it bit by bit. I wasn't feeling alright, and I wanted to see if I could do something that it's odd for me.

Nowadays, I'm a cold person. I don't like to trust many people because they usually use me for money, fame, or any other thing. I got sick entire of that, so I began to be bitter and more severe. Sehun was one of the few people that stayed with me, and that's why it's hard for me to believe that he's doing something illegal or dangerous.

I should call him, but it's too late.

I sighed while looking at Jaehyun's number on my phone. Shortly, I took a deep breath before I began to call him. I waited for some seconds, and luckily, he answered.

-Detective, I thought you wouldn't answer. – I spoke formally.

-Johnny, you don't have to talk like that when we are chatting between us. – Jaehyun assured.

-And sorry if I sound annoyed. – He said.

-It's alright. Am I interrupting something? – I asked.

-No, not at all. I'm at the headquarters. – He told me.

-Isn't it too late to be there? – I questioned.

-Why don't you go home? – I said, confused.

-I'm working. Tomorrow, the unit will take care of the upcoming cases. I have other things to attend. – Jaehyun yawned.

-Is it about your sister's case? – I asked.

-Yes. It is. – He sighed.

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