Chapter 24: Always As One

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*Hours later*

-Jaehyun's POV-

It's almost late afternoon as my team wraps this case. Fortunately, it wasn't a complicated investigation since we had helpful clues due to the witnesses. I'm pretty glad about it since I want to go home and rest from the hangover I've had all day. Yet, I still need to talk with the journalists and the news press as I'm still where we captured the culprit.

Currently, I'm watching Jeno holding the culprit and taking him to the car alongside Camile. But as I continued to supervise them, my phone started to sound. So, I answered the call without seeing who began to call me.

-Hello? – I said as soon as I picked up the call.

-Jaehyun, I need you to meet me right now. I'm outside the restricted perimeter. – I heard Ten speak, making me feel confused.

-Are you here? How did you know where to find me? – I asked, conflicted.

-I saw the news; the channels are already talking about the latest case you had. – Ten explained.

-Taeyong! – I called my partner as he looked over at me. -Take care of the journalists and the news press. – I told him. Then, he nodded and went over to take care of the leaked footage.

-Sorry, that wasn't supposed to happen. – I said before taking a deep breath. -Anyway, what do you want to talk about, Ten? – I asked.

-It's urgent, Jaehyun. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for something serious. – Ten assured me.

-Alright. I'll meet you outside the perimeter. – I replied before ending the call. Briefly, I placed my phone in my pocket and walked towards Ten's location.

Shortly after, I passed under the barricade tape and jogged as soon as I saw Ten. Instantly, he noticed my presence as I continued approaching him, and then, he greeted me kindly. I bowed my head at him, waiting for him to speak while placing my hands on my hips.

-What is it? – I asked.

-I come from the company; Johnny and I argued about something important. – Ten mentioned.

-Well, it isn't new that Johnny is fighting everybody. But I'm not his babysitter, so you don't have to come to tell me about his behavior. – I pointed out, feeling slightly careless about Johnny's current problems.

-Jaehyun, can you stop being so stubborn for just a second? I honestly believe you need to know what happened. – Ten sternly said, causing me to sigh and nod. -J's Corporation is expanding soon; Johnny got a deal with another marketing chain in London, and in today's meeting, the executive team gave two options to Johnny. He can stay here in Seoul or move to London for the company's sake. – Ten revealed, causing me to look at him in shock.

-And what did Johnny say? – I asked, this time feeling more worried.

-Johnny isn't listening to anybody; that's why we argued. I told him to consider me and not you since it looks like he only wants to go away because you broke up. – Ten pointed out, concerned. Then, he held my shoulder and sighed. -Jaehyun, I can tell Johnny's silence hurt you a lot, but he tried to redeem himself after giving Jongyul to you. It wasn't my idea; Johnny came up with the plan himself. So, please, at least help me to keep my best friend beside me; I'm not asking you to forgive him, but do something for him to stay. – Ten asked, almost begging me with the look in his eyes.

I looked down before thinking about Ten's words, still not believing how Johnny considers moving out of Seoul.

-Does Johnny know you are here? – I asked.

Ten shook his head. -I didn't tell him anything. After the argument we had, Johnny focused on the newest project. Then, he left after working for some hours. – Ten explained before moving his grasp from my shoulder, briefly trying to compose himself. -I never ask for someone to help in anything, only Johnny. But this time, I believe my words won't have any effect on Johnny. – Ten mentioned while looking worried.

-Do you know where he is right now? – I asked while trying to think what to do.

-Probably in his apartment. Johnny always wants to be alone when something complicated comes his way. – Ten said, which I nodded for in response.

-I'll see what I can do, but I honestly don't think he'll leave. – I admitted.

Ten scoffed. -Believe me, this time, Johnny won't think about his decision twice. – Ten mentioned before bowing at me, and then he walked back to his car. I watched him leave while thinking about what to do; after all, a part of me panics at the thought of Johnny going away.


-Johnny's POV-

I passed from drinking on my cup to getting the liquor straight from the bottle. I'm not well; my head is spinning around with the same question. Should I go, or should I stay? It is my opportunity to show Jaehyun what he did to me when he decided to move out and start a new chapter in his life. However, I still don't want to hurt his feelings regardless of the last argument we had. It is very troublesome for me to let go of someone I've cared about since I was young.

In the last few hours, I've tried to make some progress in the current airline project. And despite my drunken state, I did finish my work for tomorrow. However, now that I don't have anything to do, my thoughts about the decision I have to take are eating me alive. But before I could finish the bottle, my phone rang, causing me to stop my current actions. Then, I answered without checking the number while resting my hands against the balcony's fence.

-Hello. – I answered, feeling slightly dizzy.

-Johnny, is that you? – I heard Jaehyun speak, making my eyes widen at the sound of his voice.

-Jaehyun? – I said in shock while trying to compose myself.

-Eh, yes! It's me. – I answered before clearing out my throat.

-Why do you sound so mysterious? Did something happen? – Jaehyun asked, but I scoffed at his words, pretending as nothing happened.

-Why's the detective worrying about a regular citizen? You could be celebrating today's work instead of calling me. Detective Jung. – I spoke, trying to hide my stoned condition.

-Did you see the news? – Jaehyun asked, surprised.

-Of course, why wouldn't I? – I questioned as I could hear an elevator from the other side of the line.

-Do you think I can't watch them because of you? – I inquired, hoping Jaehyun might end the call before my stoned state shows.

-Come on, John, we both know you would do that in a split second. You don't want to hear me in the slightest. – Jaehyun mentioned carelessly.

-If you know, then why do you ask? – I questioned in defense.

-I only wanted to realize both of us have a reason to be angry at each other; you didn't tell me about my sister's case, and I didn't consider your gesture after you gave Jongyul to me. – Jaehyun pointed out as I heard him walking.

-And why are you telling me this? – I asked, upset.

-I want you to remember our mistakes because we tend to do the same things. – Jaehyun replied.

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