27: climax of Part 1

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no one:

Me: this'll take abit longer than usual.


Ryu arrived at the arena, guns blazing as he smirked, "Who am I fighting? I'm ready to blow off some damn steam!".

The proctor, Hayatte Gekko, stared at the Gennin before coughing. "You will be fighting Neji Hyuuga', and Uzumaki Mito." He explained.

"Two people? Promise this'll be fun?" Ryu joked before licking his lip.

The proctor lifted his arm. "Neji hyuuga! Please stay here with Ryu Hanbin. And~ Fight!".

Neji charged at Ryu, making a palm strike which Ryu dodged as he kicked the hyuuga' prodigy. "Ah~! I remember! You're the one the 'bloody fang' fought!" Ryu smiled. "Well then, you better run~!" He sang as he pushed Neji back.

"THAT WAS A WHILE AGO! AND I HAVE CHANGED!" The prodigy growled before aimlessly running at the rival, "ROTATION!" Neji cried but to no avail the boy was able to disable the technique.

"No.. you're still weak.." Ryu frowned before focusing all of his chakra in his leg and kicking the hyuuga'. "Mr. Destiny." Suddenly Neji disapeared as everyone searched the area, looking for the praised one. Their eyes widened as what seemed to be a rock dropped in the arena. A crippled and broken boy. "Too weak.". The crowd froze, it's not everyday you see one of your strongest Gennin lose to another Gennin. “in such a humiliating way too!” Ryu mused before softly kicking the unconcious Gennin. "C'mon, do something." He spoke, condescendingly. Slowly Neji got up, only to be kicked back down, as blood poured out of his mouth, "your not a prodigy.. you were just lucky..", Ryu frowned before stomping onto Neji's stomach smashing his spine under the pressure.

"CALL A MEDICAL NIN!" Hayatte cried, stomping towards Ryu, "this is the chunin exams! What are you doing? You're not supposed to kill eachother!".

Ryu scowled, before noting how, "this is the chunin exams, If I could kill him. Who couldn't?" He asked.

damned brat!” The proctor scoffed, "very well, should you li—." Before he could finish he saw Ryu pointing to the waiting area.

"Uzu-kaze.. come here, I will win now." Ryu declared as Mito nodded, jumping down and spitting on Ryu's shoe.

"I may not like Neji much but you..! You disrespected the honour of taking part in the chunin exams!" She screamed as Ryu frowned.

"Honour?" He asked. "There is no honour in the chunin exams.. it's just adults watching children fight eachother, observing their every move, With revolting smiles drawn against their own faces!".

"WHAT SORT OF SHINOBI ARE YOU!?" Mito screamed, anger filling her emotions.

"What kind of shinobi? Simple, a realistic one. I've seen people die countless times just.. looking, watching them burn. Until there's nothing to bury.", Mito's eyes widened as she growled at the boy.

"Idiot!" She charged towards Ryu unleashing her nine tails cloak as Ryu's eyes widened.

"A Jinchuriki, hm?" He asked before kicking her. "I'd like to challenge myself.. ohh! How about this, I'll keep my hands in my pockets!" He smirked as he noticed how angry this was making her. “namikaze hasn't even taught her how to control her emotions? Pathetic.” he admitted before feeling an intense aura. His eyes widened as he saw the beast that layed ahead of him. “WHAT!? FOUR TAILS? ALREADY?” he asked before she slashed at his stomach almost ripping it open as he toppled over, rolling on the ground. "GOD DAMN! HOKAGE! COME DOWN AMD DEAL WITH THIS SHIT NOW——!" He froze as he saw a barrier around the hokage'. “Orochimaru?he wondered before jumping and dodging Mito's attacks.

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