Hue, an old rival, and Satchura.

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Naruto glanced at Amirgaal, "whats he doing!? This isnt time to stall-.", Naruto's eyes widened as he realised. "Amirgaal's getting his ass kicked...?". Naruto was pushed back by the dragon as It Roared. Fire flew out of its mouth sieging Naruto's prosthetic arm Naruto screamed as he felt his shoulder burn.

Naruto made a tiger hand seal before yelling, "WATER STYLE! WATER BULLET!" The bullet sped at the dragon stunning it as Naruto used this to his advantage, to pulled out his Uchigatana before chanting.. "DRAGON... OF THE DARKNESS.. FLAMES!" Blood dropped from Naruto's shinigami eye as he clutched it. "the uncontrollable flames of hell. The unburnable.. black.. flames..", Naruto panted as he glanced towards Amirgaal who was gasping for air. "What..? He's still fighting? But I though i-?" I then hit Naruto, what Deidara had been saying earlier, "three people..?". Naruto smirked weakly, "five swings.. three jutsu, and a one on one fight between key summons..? Well isn't this fun?" Naruto thought before slowly turning around. "I know you're there, no point hiding. Hue.".

Evil cackling was heard from the bushes as a man in red emerged, "my, my~" he sang. "What is this~ so many friends to play with." Hue smiled maliciously.

"No.. not really, where're the others?" Naruto asked.

"Fighting your friends.".

"That's good," Naruto stretched his back before continuing, "cause I have score to settle!". A bead of sweat travelled down Naruto's forehead.

"HAHAHA! THATS RICH!" Hue laughed before seeing Naruto's serious face. "Hah-! Remember last time? When was that? Last year." Hue slowly walked towards Naruto pulling out his own blade as he declared, "this will be a Kenjutsu fight only, just like last time.".

Hue pointed his sword towards the blonde as Naruto's smiledz biting onto his tongue. "Let me tell you, Ive had way too many fights today! And I'm not in the mood, and nor do I have the energy, so basically.. what I'm saying is this'll be short.". Naruto appeared behind Hue as slashed at his back. "When did you get such a powerful key summon!?".

"UP YOUR ASS!" Hue smiled, seeing Naruto swing the Uchigatana, Hue blocked as his eyes widened, Naruto had disappeared and reappeared Next to him slashing his chest.

"SURPRISE! FUCKER!" Naruto cried, as he kicked Hue down, and tried cut off his neck. Hue dodged easily before making distance between him and his foe.

"I must admit, you have gotten stronger!".

"Yeah! But I couldn't say the same for you, the only thing that's changed is that you have that key summon.", Once again Naruto charged at Hue, this time being careful as he only had three swings left.

Hue charged at Naruto pinning him to the the ground and yelling, "FIRE STYLE! FIRE BALL JUTSU!".

At the same time Naruto yelled the same water style jutsu, the fire ball evaporated the water ball as as steam filled the area, Naruto took this opportunity to retreat, making his way back to where he left his wife, and allies. "Uh——." Naruto's eyes widened as he saw the blood bath before him, Britannica struggling to stay on her feet. With two seemingly dead bodies by her, and two people fighting her.. fearfully, he made his way towards his wife, reaching out to grab her only to se her fall. "AAAAAARRRRGGHH!!" He cried as blood dropped out of his Shinigami eye.

"My, my~!" The two sang, "how adorable, the hubby crying about his——!", Suddenly the blonde nemesis, felt a Sharp pain in his stomach as he looked to see Naruto.

"You.. who are you!?".

"His name's Joka." The woman smiled, before slowly walking towards Naruto placing her hand on his cheek. "You may not look like it from afar but you are pretty." He lips curled.

"SHUT UP!" Naruto punched her sending her flying back as he noticed Joka was gone. Naruto looked up to see Joka attacking him from above as he dodged slamming into the woman, (I'm getting tired of calling her woman so I'll call her Jessie.). Jessie stumbled back before grabbing Naruto and putting a blade to his throat.

"Don't.. you dare.. try anything.. smart ass!." Blood dropped from the blade as her wyw widened, the knife was now up to her neck as Naruto pushed it forward. Killing her. Joka looked surprised as he charged forwards slashing at Naruto as Naruto frowned kicking him back and sending him crashing into a wall.

Naruto neard Joka as he pulled his hair. Bringing Joka's face to his, "hello~ did you do this.. to her?" Naruto asked.

"O-of course we did.. God I'm dying please.. let me.. let me go!" He pleaded as Naruto slammed him into the ground.

"DID SHE PLEAD!?" He slammed his foot into his face as Joka nodded. "SO WHY SHOULD I ANSWER YOUR PLEADS?!". Naruto brought his fist back, channeling chakra into his fist as Joka let out a cry. Naruto walked towards Ohma, cupping his cheek before grabbing Satchura. “ 'wont be needing this anymore..”. Naruto turned back as he placed Britannica on his back, he was about to leave as he felt a hand wrap around his leg, his head snapped back as his eyes widened, "you're alive, hm?".

"Give.. him back..! Give my Satchura back!" Ohma demanded gripping Naruto's Leg even tighter.

"How do I know you won't use it against me again? after all it gave me quite the trouble.".

"I have no guarantee, but still. GIVE MY FRIEND BACK!", Naruto frowned, seeing Ohma whine.

"You're such a child. I'll give it to you, the next time you beat Me that is.", Naruto turned his back, leaving Ohma to find his own way back home.

End of chapter.

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