death of a loved one.

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[feels warning.. kinda.]

Naruto's eyes widened after seeing this, he had just caused the deaths of hundreds of people.. he didn't.. “i.. I don't want this! What is this—!?”, Naruto froze, hearing something being pierced as he turned back, his eyes widened. "You.. you were.. YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE VILLAGE!" He cried. "YOURE PREGNANT DAMNIT!". Infront of him was Britannica, pierced by Madaras staff.

Flash back.

Naruto's eyes widened after seeing this, he had just caused the deaths of hundreds of people.. he didn't.. “i.. I don't want this! What is this—!?”.

Madara, while Naruto was entranced, pulled his staff back hoping this would be the end of their quarry, he lunged forward as steam blew off of his hand. He threw it at Naruto.

—even further back

Britannica was in the cloud village, as she heard a loud bang, coming from the battle field. As she worried. "That was too powerful for even Naruto-chan to make! What could it have been?", She glanced out of the window to see the Allied HQ falling. "The.. enemy Nin, what are they?" She shot up, running to battle field, hoping for Naruto to be safe.

Madara, while Naruto was entranced pulled his staff back, hoping this would be the end of their quarry, he lunged forward as steam blew off of his hand. He threw it at Naruto, she saw this. Blood pumped through her body, Britannica burst forward. Making slight dents in the ground as she jumped Infront of the attack.. Naruto froze, hearing something being pierced as he turned back, his eyes widened. "You.. you were.. YOU WERE SUPPISED TO BE IN THE VILLAGE!" He cried. "YOURE PREGNANT DAMNIT!". Infront of him was Britannica, pierced by Madaras staff..

End of flash back——

Britannica fell limp, as Naruto ran to her side, "no.. don't die.. you're all I have! Please no..!" He whimpered, the colour from her eyes slowly faded.

"Naruto-chan.. everything.. it's going dark.. where are you? Talk to me.. please." She smiled softly, managing to find his cheek, she cupped it. "Stay strong.. I'm sorry, however. But our baby.. isn't going to make it.." she cried.

"PLEASE! BRITANNICA! DON'T!".. her hand fell from his cheek as her eyes rolled back. "No.. you can't.. stop.. stop joking around!", Realisation slowly hit him, "you're.. dead.. aren't you?" Tears ran down his face as he closed her eyes, carrying her to the medical department.

"Hey! Where are you going? This ia fight!" Madara shouted as Naruto's head snapped back, a deadly aura leaking off of him. Madara stumbled back slightly. "Is this.. fear?" He wondered. As Naruto disappeared and Reappeared, sweat dripping down his face as he stared at Madara.

"You're going down..".

Minato, Mito and Kakashi were fighting Obito, easily being over powered by the juubi Jinchuriki. "Your friend will die, the blonde one. My sensei is now on the same level as, if not stronger, that the sage of six paths! There is no way a human can defeat a God." Obit smirked as he stared at the three. "And I could say the same about myself..". Mito jumped forward, throwing a Hirashin kunai at Obito who blocked it sending it at Kakashi as Mito teleported to it, Kakashi used his Kamui to move her Infront of Juubito as she hit him with the Rasengan. However, this didn't faze Obito as he pushed her back and slammed her head into the ground. "Weaker than weak, your disappointing me." He spat. As Mito growled.

"You'll eat those words!" She once again ran at him, easily being beaten down down until Sasuke and Itachi joined the fight.

"Sasuke Uchiha, and the prodigy of the leaf, Itachi Uchiha.. my, my~ how pitiful, you're not even as strong as Minato!" Obito chuckled.

"Yeah? Well, I'll make you swallow those words!" Sasuke shouted.

"Calm down, sasuke! I will fight Obito!" Kakashi yelled.

"The hell? Kakashi he'll obliterate you!" Minato protested as the group bickered.

They, unfocused on the task ahead, failed to notice Obito charging up a juubidama as he threw it at them, Kakashi realised as he used his Kamui to move it away, but this only suppressed the blast it blew them away. "ARGH!" Kakashi cried, blood slowly dripping from his lone Sharingan.

Obito walked forward with his staff in hand as he pinned Kakashi to the floor, "weaker." He repeated as he kicked Minatos head. "Weak." He made his way to Mito, "WEAK! WEAK! AND WEAKER! THIS IS ALL YOU HAVE? KAKASHI! I WAS A FOOL TO ENTRUST RIN WITH YOU! YOU CANNOT EVEN PROTECT YOURSELF!" Obito screamed as he stomped on Mito..

Kakashi stared blankly, minato desperately trying to save his daughter, every thing was in slow motion. It was his fault.. this war..  all this death.. suffering.. "It.. was all me?", He continued to stare as he watch Obito beat down on his sensei.. "what have.. I done?".

Kakashi shot up as he grabbed minatos hand, pulling him away, his eyes hardened as he glared at Obito, "this fight.. is ours, Kakashi!".

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