Hagaromo Ōtsotsuki

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The trio stared at the Goddess, neither daring to make a move as they watched eachother carefully analysing every movement of the antagonist. "This is taking time.." Naruto frowned as he charged forward,kicking Kaguya who blocked, only to have her hair grabbed by Sasuke and Horn ripped out by Mito. Kaguya tried to fight but she was being pumbled by the team. Naruto clapped his hands. "SEN NO RIYŪ!" Naruto cried as he sent some of his shin chakra to his team mates. "This is'll be a struggle.. but still.. we have to save the world!". Mito and Sasuke started glowing white as they felt a surge of power running through them.

the hell?” Sasuke asked, “he's been beaten and bruised.. but still.. he goes on like nothing happened. Like, as if he's got nothing to fight for.” Sasuke only stared at Naruto, seeing no fight in his eyes.. "What's wrong with you?" Sasuke muttered audibly.

"Me? Well, theres just nothing left. Take a look around you, Sasuke." Naruto explained as Sasuke did so. "Everyone? Dead. My wife, my child? Dead. You brother, mother, father and clan? Dead. This is War Sasuke don't go acting like you know everything. Okay?".

"AND SO WHAT?! The reanimation jutsu is still a thing isn't it?", Naruto only nodded.

"Sure, that's true. But Sasuke, just like Orochimaru and Kabuto that will lead you down a dark and miserable path. You seek nothing but the power in what comes with jutsu. You don't see the stars, not the light. Now then, my sister is up there getting pumbled, I don't think we should keep talking, ya'know?" Naruto chuckled.

Naruto grabbed onto Sasuke as he jumped forward throwing the Susano'o into Kaguya. Which stunned her. Naruto then formed a Chidori, trying to pierce her skin only to be pushed back and swung around and thrown into the dirt. Blood seeped out of his nose as Kaguya punne d him to the ground.—

"Well, isn't this a predicament?" A man spoke.he had short grey hair, and he resembled Kaguya. "Well, Naruto, and Mito.. you two are wierd.. I guess and then there is Sasuke the normal on if you three. I suppose."  The man carried on talking, explaining his origin. as the three listened. "Now, any questions?". Naruto raised his hand.

"Who the fuck are you?".

"I think he just answered that, shorty." Sasuke growled.

"Yeah, Naruto.. that was abit daft of you.".

"Anyway. Any.. others?." The sage of six paths asked again.

"Yep." Naruto raised his hand again, the others expected a stupid and irresponsible question from the blonde.. "you're known as the 'God', the man who surpassed men. So tell me..can you bring back the dead?" A moment silence ensued the others tried to understand what had just been said. The God shook his head.

"Unfortunate no, Naruto.. that is something even I could ever do. Something's are even out if my control, especially death.." Hagaromo stared deep into Naruto's eyes.. knowing what thought was exactly going through his mind. "There's oneway for you to see your wife again.." Naruto's eyes widened at this fact.

"What? Say that again.. I beg you." Naruto pleaded.

"You must die, them see me in Limbo, I have the ability, only in limbo, to revive you, taking you to an alternate timeline where you can once again see your wife.", Naruto smiled softly, before nodding.

"I'll kill Kaguya. Then I'll find a way to kill myself." Hagaromo nodded as Sasuke intervened.

"What.. what's going on? Dead. Limbo, alternate timeline? The hell?".

"Shut it Sasuke.. this is serious." Mito noticed the gleam in Hagaromo's eyes, "there thinking.. thinking real hard.".

Naruto nodded. "Right, that's all I have for now, you guys?". They should their head. "Alright let's fight the bitch.".

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