Kage Summit, and the unknown Raikage.

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Naruto arrived at the village gates, battered and bruised as he walked in. All eyes on him. "RAIKAGE-SAMA!" Gwaed cried seeing his boss covered in blood, "BRITANNICA-DONO!".

"Calm down, Gwaed. Just take Britannica to the hospital.." Naruto coughed.

"What about you Raikage-sama?".

"Don't worry about me.. Im going to call a Kage summit." Naruto explained but Gwaed stopped him.

"One has already been made, by the Hokage', the leaf village was recently attacked by the Akatsuki." Gwaed explained as Naruto nodded.

"Okay, tell them I'll be there. In the meantime please keep her safe.", Gwaed nodded before carrying her away.

Naruto stared at his missing arm as he smiled, "two years, hm? Man that was the coolest..", Naruto walked around the village, eventually coming across B.

"Yo, yo. Naruto!" B rapped, "why 'you here? 'thought you're on a mission, Bro?" B asked earning a chuckle from Naruto.

"Yeah, about that; the Dragon. I killed it, but we were attacked by three Akatsuki members. Remember Hue?" Naruto asked as B's eyes widened. "Him, Deidara, Ohma, and two other people..".

"OHMA!?" B shouted.

"Yeah! It's crazy, I know, and understand if you don't believe me.", B nodded understandingly.

"I see, let's get you patched up and then we'll leave to the meeting that the Hokage' made, and then when we're back, you and Britannica can get laid!", Naruto blushed at this stanza.

"Oh.. no.. that was the worst!" He cried. "Anyway yeah I'll tell cocoa to patch me up." Naruto waves at B before leaving and making his way to the hospital. "Yo, cocoa!" Naruto smiled opening the door.

"Lord Raikage? Oh-! MY BEAUTIFUL PROSTHETIC! I SLAVED; HOURS OVER THAT!" Cocoa cried before punching the Kage.

"OW-! NOT MY FAULT I GOT MY ASS HANDED TO-. Oh no, it kind of is, isn't it? OH WELL JUST MAKE ME A NEW ONE! I HAVE TO GET TO A SUMMIT TOMORROW!" Naruto explained as she nodded.

"Fine! Just know it'll take sometime so you'll need to go with a missing arm, also. Call B-dono in here please~!" She winked at The teen as Naruto's eyes widened.

"R-Right?" He left quietly before noticing he was being watched, Naruto paused. "Yo, come out, there's no use in hidin'.". From the shadows emerged a masked man.

"Hello, Naruto Uzumaki-!" Naruto suddenly burst forward leaving trail of dust in his wake as he grabbed the masked mans collar.

"Don't!" Naruto demanded, as the man nodded.

"I'm Madara Uchiha, or that's what I'm more commonly known as. Anyway I'd like to recruit you into the Akatsuki." The man known as Madara held his hand out to Naruto as a kind gesture.

"Heh-! Madara? Madara Uchiha? The most powerful of Uchiha?" Naruto laughed. "You're kidding! I've never heard anything so funny in my life!".

Madara also laughed, "you're right! Only one other person has seen through my desguise!", He nodded, "so, we don't have a deal?".

"No, we don't, regardless of how much I likes our short chat.. I can't betray the village I am sworn to protect." Naruto admitted.

"I see, well, I was about to declare the Fourth great ninja way at the summit so we are on opposite sides.." Madara waved.

"wait there!" Naruto pleaded as the Uchiha glanced back, "what's your name? Your real name.".

"All that shall be revealed.. in the war.".

He Then disapeared as Naruto raised his eyebrow, "well that was wierd..".

Minato sat in his office as he let out a tired sigh, "man! All this work is taking my energy! Man! I wonder how Jiraya sensei is doing.." Minato frowned as he got up, stretching his over used muscles.

The door opened as Mito and kushina entered, "tou-san, you're going to a Kage Summit, aren't you? Take me please!".

"Sorry Mito, not this time, if you're worried don't be, after all Im the strongest Kage as of now, after all the cloud hasn't instated a new Kage yet." Minato explained, "or not officially anyway..".

"Yeah.." she paused. "Hey.. what- what do you think happened to Naruto?".

Kushina frowned. "Naruto? What about him? Why bring him up? Is there something you two didn't tell me?".

"I-Ita~! K-Kushi-chan! Please.. sit down! We'll e-explain!", Kushina did as told as Minato explained. "Two years ago, do you remember Ryu?". Kushina nodded, wonderingly what he had to do with Naruto. "He.. was Naruto." Minato flinched shielding himself as he though Kushina was going to hit him.

"Huh?" She asked.

"Listen, Kushina I know you've been out of it ever since.. what happen to Menma.. but Naruto is a member of the clouds forces!", She nodded now understanding.

The group carried on talking.

The next day

Minato got ready, wearing his Hokage' robe and and casual, black, ANBU jeans. Minato left the village appearing in the cloud villages Summit grounds. Making his way through the different hallways. He arrives in the secretary's office, "yo, Megumi-chan!" He greeted.

"Through the doors, take a left, the big door on your right, also. go fuck yourself.".

"O-. What? Okay.." he walked through the long corridor as he found the large door. He pushed it open as his eyes widened, ",has this place changed or what?".

"Well, ain't it the youngest hokage?" Inoki, the TsuchiKage, asked.

"Yo! Tsuchikage-san!" Minato greeted, "what are we doing in the cloud? I thought they didn't have a Kage yet.".

Inoki shrugged, "I'm not sure.".

"What do you mean when you say the could village hasn't found their Kage?", A large man made his way out of the shadows.

"Killer B? You're the Raikage?" Minato laughed.

"No, also I'll take that as a joke." B pointed towards the door as a crack appeared on it. "Hanma.. Naruto.".

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