A Wife, and a War?

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The doors exploded as each Kage got into a fighting stance."oops, should have done that! Bri-bri'll be pissed." A familiar blonde chuckled before looking at the different Kage. "Yo.. Minato." Naruto waved nonchalantly.

The Hokage' growled at his first born before scoffing. " 'yo' yourself.".

"Man, don't do me like that! Why would ya'-? Oh yeah! I destroyed your village, didn't I?" Naruto chuckled. "Anyway, let's get down to business, the Akatsuki;" Naruto glanced at minato, who nodded.

"Yeah, the Akatsuki's leader Nagato, or pain. Recently attacked our village, killed our civilians, etcetera.. I called for this meeting so that we can join forces and eliminate them, there is no way for us to beat them on our own!" Minato explained, and the different Kages shuffled.

"I see, an what do we get in return for our cooperation?" Inoki asked as Naruto raised his eyebrow and the hokage' froze.

"What do you mean?" Minato frowned, "we must keep our village safe! If we can't do that we cannot be regarded as one of the five strongest nations!".

"And your point is?" Inoki spoke up, "if we lose the leaf village then we wont have to worry about you sieging war against us, also. We could get another, more suitable village to take your place." Inoki explained.

"Enough!" Naruto shouted. "I wanna fight someone strong! And I also have a bone to pick with Akatsuki. Oh-! And Minato: the Akatsuki has three leaders, two as of now.".

"What? WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! NAGATO WAS THE LEADER!", Naruto let out a sigh at the sudden out burst of his father.

"Listen, Dad.. you're have always been a child. But this is the last straw. You walk into my village, demanding our help, but not giving us something in return? Pitiful!" Naruto spat, the other Kages seemed surprised.

"Hey.. boy," inoki asked. "Did you call minato your dad?".

Naruto nodded, "oh, yeah I did, you see I'm his first born. But let's not get into that just yet. I would like to make a proposal, Lord hokage'..", Naruto paused. "You must die.".

Madara stared at the cloud village from above. He smirked from under his mask. "Sensei.", He jumped down, suddenly disappearing and Reappearing in the summit hall, "well, hello! You legendary shinobi.. oh-! Minus you, Naruto." Madara laughed.

Minato shot up, "YOU!", The Hokage' charged at Madara and threw a kunai at him. The man dodged as Minato appeared next to him slashing at him, the attack went through Madara as the other Kages eyes widened.

"Lord Hokage', sit down." Naruto smirked, "what do you want?".

"What I want? I want to start a war, the.. fourth great ninja war.".

The Kages shot up, "you want to fight!?" Inoki growled as he started floating.

"inoki the TsuchiKage, master of the rarest kekkei tota; particle style.", Madara stood up, stretching out his arms in a warmly manner. "I DECLARE WAR! ON ALL FOUR SHINOBI NATIONS,".

The man titled Madara smiled as the Kages seemed surprised. "On the five great ninja nations? You're mad! No one would be so bold!" B explained.

"No.. he's serious, entirely. THIS IS GOING TO BE FUN!" Naruto laughed, holding his head, "tell me, Madara.. why would you?", The other Kage, minus minato, snapped their heads towards the Raikage.


"Why? To carry out what I always wanted. True asylum for the Uchiha!" Madara smiled. As he held out his hands.

"Yeah, but why war?".

"Because! We are going to snatch the Bijuu from your grasp! Make it fun! Easy, but fun!", Naruto chuckled.

"Easy? Coming from the guy who wanted to recruit me into the Akatsuki? To think that you think that you'll beat us! With me and the Cloud on their side noway we can lose! I'll throw away my pride! And fight with the leaf! Especially if you're trying to steal my brother, B!" Naruto declared as Madara smirked.

"A powerful speach, let's just hope you can back it up, after all, and as they say; all bark, and no bite.".

"Calm down, Inoki." Naruto ordered seeing the elderly man about to blow up his entire village.

A deafening silence filled the room as Naruto spoke, "we'll join forces, those of you who object: speak now, or never. This war will be legendary, Madara Uchiha versus the shinobi nations, life. Or death. Five of the strongest shinobi to have ever graced the land, versus a God, possessing immeasurable power. And as far as I'm concerned, this meeting is over, stay the night, take a shit, and go home.".

Naruto turned his back to the Kage as he made his way to the hospital. Seating himself by Britannica's bed, he frowned realising he never treated her like a real wife. "before the War starts.. I should treat her to a few things. And when she heals.. well have a child, fore who knows, I might die..".


after this I might do a fairy tail fanfic, what do you guys think. Also, main hsip would be NaLu, OTP

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