Chapter 21 - Strange Things

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I entered the most majestic and elegant lady Lillith 's room. I stepped in to her room as a soul following James. The most awaited moment.

I regreted not having my body now.It was so dark there. Human or soul ,the very thought of Lilith and her uncanny room and that surrounding gave me a chill inside.....fear started gripping me....I was able to feel some kind of a strange energy around her room...

"Ah.. James.. Why it is so dark? Switch on the light".

He didn't answer. Without even realising I was already inside the room... constantly stumbling, I think I almost reached the center of that room in that pitch darkness.


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"Ja..james..? ", my voice shook.

"ouch.. ", I stumbled.

"Ah.. What was that? I think I hurt my leg... Ouch", wait...did I actually feel did that happen???....I should not be feel anything. Cause... obviously...I don't have a body.. I'm just a soul....Can soul experience pain....!!????....No I am not mistaken...I did feel the pain.... But how...!?? How could I felt the pain.

"James.. What the hell is happening...?",the lights were suddenly turned on, instantly blinding my vision....My eyelids felt eyes started hurting of the sudden harsh light creeping into it... My hands in reflex, reached my eyes...

"James.. Did you switch on the lights? ", I asked but I didn't hear any reply.

"James.. ", my eyes squinted...but slowly it began adjusting itself to the piercing light. I was able see clearly. But james was not there.

"What the... James... Where are you? ", I shouted.

"Ok, calm down veronica... Calm down... ", suddenly I felt some tickling...and then it was a sharp pain..sort of a prick....I felt something hot oozing was then that I bent down to see my big toe bleeding....

"Oh god"...., More than the pain, confusion was controlling my brain...I touched the warm blood from my toe....Can a soul bleed too???

I let this foolish thought slip my mind...but all this was true yet strange...again, how could this happen.. Why am l bleeding? I'm just a soul I heard myself repeatedly reminding me...

I smiled thinking that while I was in Paradise I badly wanted my life and my body back...but I was constantly reminding myself that I was a soul.... Irony of Life...

I touched myself... I touched my face, my hands, my legs... What on earth was this? I was able to feel the touch,the pain,the warm breathe passing through my nostrils, I felt myself gulping down the saliva.

Aren't these symbolising life in me..!!??.. was I dreaming all these chance... everything was so i forgetting something...the PAIN... OUUCHHHH....My eyes started spilling warm tears because of the escalating pain in my toe..

Lillith And Eve (A.k.a - My Dead Relatives)Where stories live. Discover now