chapter 12 : Wounded

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What is the biggest trouble haunting me now... Let me think ?  Yeah found out.... She.. Veronica.. She has done something that she should not have done.

My grandmother gave me a cold stare. What? Why? I didn't do anything. She asked me to bring her. I wanted to ask that question but I was not that brave enough.

I know that my granny does some weird stuffs that we are not allowed to know. I was four years old at that time.. I mistakenly opened my granny's room and went inside. I know I was shocked to the core.. But I didn't know what I saw there.. I can't remember anything. I only remember the punishment that I got after doing that.

From that time.. I was so scared even to look at granny's face. My family was very protective of our family's secrets even most of my family members didn't know what it was? Including me.

When I was seven I met with a terrible accident. Doctors said that it was impossible for me to survive. It was terrible to the level that I ended up with severe injuries that undoubtedly cannot be healed. Everyone said it was a curse.. was I cursed..?

Doctors said it was impossible... but my granny said it was possible. How? I didn't know. She saved my life all alone.... Though others were injured she saved me but not the others...In that accident I lost two of my family members , one was my grandfather , the other one I didn't know who that was? My memories became blurred after that. I forgot most of my childhood days along with what I saw inside my granny's room.

Before the accident, priest and many foretellers said that I  was cursed by something that I saw. Maybe from my granny's room. I tried a lot of times to remember what happened and what all I saw? But never regained my memories.

After that I was asked to shift to the third floor. Except me, no one was allowed to enter the third floor. Everyone said because of the curse my life was in danger. So, staying close with my granny would protect me.

I wanted to be a great business man, but I was not allowed to take a single step out of my house

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I wanted to be a great business man, but I was not allowed to take a single step out of my house. So, I did all the works from my home . Rarely I went out mainly for business trips. And that's where I saw another curse. Veronica....

I clenched my teeth..Sure She was going to give me a lot of problems. And it started now...

"I want to see what's in your room", asked veronica bravely.

Granny silently stood up. I was not able to read her expression. It was very confusing.
I thought it was my turn to do something. I stood up, ran towards veronica, grabbed her hand and dragged her out of my house.

I did it because if I didn't do that, I don't know what kind of danger awaits her !

"how dare you talk to my granny like that?", the words slipped out of my tongue. I  was not angry but I made myself angry. I've never done this before. I've never shouted at anyone. That was not my way.

Lillith And Eve (A.k.a - My Dead Relatives)Where stories live. Discover now