chapter twenty one

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The sun was slightly sneaking its way through the curtains in Karl's kitchen. His hands were almost all white, full of flour just like the floor. He was so bad at baking. The cake would only need some more decoration, then it'd be ready.

Happy birthday Sapnap

His hand was shaking as he wrote that down on the cake, a sigh escaping his lips as he finally wrote the last letter 'p'. He looked down on it and to be honest, he was surprised that it didn't look totally like trash. A smile creeped up on his lips and he clapped his hands to get rid of the flour, which only ended in a flour cloud. He coughed.

Suddenly, someone rang the bell. Karl tried to look through the kitchen window, to maybe see who it could be but he wasn't able to see a car. The bell rang again and the brunet quickly washed his hands, running to the door afterwards.

"Karlos!", Quackity was already stepping into the house.

"Hey, Quackmeister", Karl stepped aside, making more space for the other boy to come inside.

"Why do you have an apron on? Are you baking something for me?", he wiggled with his eyebrows and laughed.

"No, not for you. I'm baking a cake for Sapnap. To be honest, I'm trying to bake a cake for him", the brunet laughed as well and they both walked into the kitchen.

Quackity looked down on the cake and gasped in shock.

"It's his birthday today?! Oh my god, I forgot it!".

"Well, did you even know it?", Karl asked, arching and eyebrow and chuckling slightly.

"Of course not! We hated each other a few months ago!", he was clearly freaking out right now.

"Hey, hey relax. Just say you helped me with baking the cake".

"But I didn't!".

"You still can. Clean up the kitchen", the taller boy bit his lip, a bad attempt to hide the upcoming smirk on his lips.

Quackity sighed but did as told. Karl laughed and allowed himself to have some fun. He was as he poked the side of the current crouching Quackity and he needed to hold himself up on the kitchen counter as the other boy fell to the side because Karl had poked him too hard.

"My whole side is full of flour now!", he complained, which only made the brunet laugh more.

Then, someone was ringing the bell again.

"Did you invite someone?", Quackity asked, still sitting on the floor.

"Dream and George, but they are supposed to be here in 2 hours", he answered, his phone buzzing on the kitchen table a few seconds after that.

Sapnap: Are you home? I'm in front of your door but nobody is opening it

"Fuck, it's Sapnap", Karl ran a hand through his hair and quickly put his phone down.

"What? Why is he here?", the other boy was already on his feet again, his voice laced with a little bit of panic.

"I don't know. Wait here and clean the house up. I got this".

The brunet was literally running towards the door and he opened it, closing it a few seconds afterwards again. He was now standing in front of Sapnap, outside on the veranda.

"Hey", a smile already planted itself on the smaller boy's face and Karl couldn't resist to smile back.


"Why do you have an apron on?", Sapnap chuckled slightly and ran his right hand down on the other boy's side, causing a shiver to run down on the brunet's spine.

When you're drunk || KarlnapDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora