chapter thirty four

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The summer was coming to an end and the sun started to set earlier, started to take the easiness away and pointing out the obvious, the fact that a new school year is going to start soon. It was making the younger boy scared but whenever he found his thoughts drifting away to the anxiety, he felt the presence of a person next to him. A person that he had spent the whole summer with, going on many dates and having many sleepless nights, whether under the stars, on the beach or just because they talked through the whole night.

The stars were alight on days where their hearts were shining with love, bright and yellow and blending all the things around them. Beating so loud in their ears, overpowering the noises of the chirping birds outside in the sunlight, the light that was so alike their lights.

Some altercations in the long time only brought them back together stronger, closer and with more strength to fight for their relationship. They had never met a person like each other and they had never felt any kind of these feelings for anyone else. The two felt unobstructed, yet timidly. The thought about them dissipating was a thought about hell for both of them and sometimes the color red of hell overflew them like a wave, setting them inflames and also splashing over the yellow light of the sun raves coming out of their hearts like a huge wave of water. Fire and water are so different and yet one feeling could be seen as hell and heaven. Love is brutal and when you do fall in love one day, when you get that lucky you'll go through heaven and hell. But you surely will not regret anything, even though it could end any second, you'll look back at the memories and after nights of just crying and crying over the long lost love, you'll find yourself smiling at the memories.

But for Karl and Sapnap, there was no time for crying for now.

To say it tersely: they felt vivid.

Nights in the car of Karl's mum, the brunet behind the steering wheel seeming less tense and comfortable in the rolling construction. Sapnap always found his head turning to the left side, looking at the blue eyes focusing on the road before them and it was always a warm feeling blooming in his chest whenever the blue eyes turned to the passenger seat for a second, to smile at the smaller one.

The windows would be rolled down, the fresh air of the night would submerge them at any time and they'd drive around the city, jaunty and not thinking about anything but their partners.

It was ideally and perfect.

Just like now. Sapnap's window was down now too, the wind causing him to close his eyes as Karl drove them to the last party for the summer holidays. The younger one was unadulterated relaxed but that didn't last long when one particular thought scurried through his mind. It was menacing and gnawing at him because he should have actually told him this before. But he always withdrawn and it was like cement was in his throat whenever he just thought about telling him. He always tried to find the right moment but is there even one?

"You alright? Maybe you should roll the window up, you don't look very good", Karl suddenly said.

Sapnap swallowed hard before he managed to speak. "I think I'm fine but there is actually something I want to tell you".

His voice sounded serious and of course led that the whole attention of the older one to him.

"Keep your eyes on the road, it's not that important, little".

Karl nodded and turned his head forward again. His hands were still clinging onto the steering wheel, his knuckles turning slightly white.

"So, me and my father talked a few weeks ago", Sapnap said.

The head of the brunet shot to the side, his eyes wide and clearly not on the road.

"Ay, eyes on the road!".

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